Math and Stats Tools
- AbsoluteValue
- Add
- And
- Anova
- ArcCos
- ArcSin
- ArcTan
- Arcosh
- Arsinh
- Artanh
- Atan2
- AttributeCorrelation
- AttributeCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis
- AttributeHistogram
- AttributeScattergram
- Ceil
- ConditionalEvaluation
- ConditionedLatinHypercube
- Cos
- Cosh
- CrispnessIndex
- CrossTabulation
- CumulativeDistribution
- Decrement
- Divide
- EqualTo
- Exp
- Exp2
- Floor
- GreaterThan
- ImageAutocorrelation
- ImageCorrelation
- ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis
- ImageRegression
- InPlaceAdd
- InPlaceDivide
- InPlaceMultiply
- InPlaceSubtract
- Increment
- IntegerDivision
- InversePrincipalComponentAnalysis
- IsNoData
- KappaIndex
- KsTestForNormality
- LessThan
- ListUniqueValues
- ListUniqueValuesRaster
- Ln
- Log10
- Log2
- Max
- Min
- Modulo
- Multiply
- Negate
- Not
- NotEqualTo
- Or
- PairedSampleTTest
- PhiCoefficient
- Power
- PrincipalComponentAnalysis
- Quantiles
- RandomField
- RandomSample
- RasterCalculator
- RasterHistogram
- RasterSummaryStats
- Reciprocal
- RescaleValueRange
- RootMeanSquareError
- Round
- Sin
- Sinh
- Square
- SquareRoot
- Subtract
- Tan
- Tanh
- ToDegrees
- ToRadians
- TrendSurface
- TrendSurfaceVectorPoints
- Truncate
- TurningBandsSimulation
- TwoSampleKsTest
- WilcoxonSignedRankTest
- Xor
- ZScores
- ZonalStatistics
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
absolute value of the corresponding grid cell in an input
raster (--input
). The absolute value is a number that is equal in magnitude but is always positive.
See Also: Negate
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=AbsoluteValue -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: July 5, 2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster in which each grid cell is equal to the addition of the corresponding grid cells in two input rasters or one input raster and a constant value. If two images are input, both images must possess the same number of rows and columns and spatial extent, as the analysis will be carried out on a cell-by-cell basis. If a grid cell contains a NoData value in either of the input images, the cell will be excluded from the analysis.
See Also: Subtract, Multiply, Divide, InPlaceAdd
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Add -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 24/01/2019
This tool is a Boolean AND operator, i.e. it works on True or False (1 and 0) values. Grid cells for which
the first and second input rasters (--input1
; --input2
) have True values are assigned
1 in the output raster, otherwise grid cells are assigned a value of 0. All non-zero values in the input
rasters are considered to be True, while all zero-valued grid cells are considered to be False. Grid
cells containing NoData values in either of the input rasters will be assigned a NoData value in
the output raster (--output
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=And -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool performs an Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
test on the distribution of values in a raster (--input
) among a group of features (--features
). The
ANOVA report is written to an output HTML report (--output
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
--features | Feature definition (or class) raster |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Anova -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i=data.tif --features=classes.tif -o=anova.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 23/09/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the inverse cosine of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [0, π] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired, you can convert
radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input raster
will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: ArcSin, ArcTan, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ArcCos -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the inverse sine of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [-π/2, π/2] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired,
you can convert radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input
raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: ArcCos, ArcTan, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ArcSin -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the inverse tangent of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [-π/2, π/2] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired,
you can convert radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input
raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: ArcCos, ArcTan, Atan2, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ArcTan -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
inverse hyperbolic cosine (arcosh) of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [0, π] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired, you can convert
radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input raster
will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Arsinh, Artanh, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Arcosh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 26/10/2019
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
inverse hyperbolic sine (arsinh) of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [-π/2, π/2] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired,
you can convert radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input
raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Arcosh, Artanh, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Arsinh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 26/10/2019
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
inverse hyperbolic tangent (artanh) of the
corresponding grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The output raster will contain angular data measured in
radian, in the range [-π/2, π/2] or NoData if the number is outside the range [-1, 1]. If desired,
you can convert radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input
raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Arcosh, Arsinh, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Artanh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 26/10/2019
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the four quadrant arctangent of
an y (--input_y
) and x (--input_x
) inputs, measured in radians. Inputs may be either rasters or constant values.
The output raster will contain angular data measured in radian, in the range:
x = 0, y = 0: 0 x >= 0: arctan(y/x) -> [-π/2, π/2] y >= 0: arctan(y/x) + π -> (π/2, π] y < 0: arctan(y/x) - π -> (-π, -π/2)
If desired, you can convert radians to degrees using the ToDegrees tool. Grid cells with NoData values in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: ArcCos, ArcTan, Atan2, ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
--input_y | Input y raster file or constant value (rise) |
--input_x | Input x raster file or constant value (run) |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Atan2 -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input_y='in1.tif' --input_x='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to estimate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) for each pair among a group of attributes associated with the database file of a shapefile. The r-value is a measure of the linear association in the variation of the attributes. The coefficient ranges from -1, indicated a perfect negative linear association, to 1, indicated a perfect positive linear association. An r-value of 0 indicates no correlation between the test variables.
Notice that this index is a measure of the linear association; two variables may be strongly related by a non-linear association (e.g. a power function curve) which will lead to an apparent weak association based on the Pearson coefficient. In fact, non-linear associations are very common among spatial variables, e.g. terrain indices such as slope and contributing area. In such cases, it is advisable that the input images are transformed prior to the estimation of the Pearson coefficient, or that an alternative, non-parametric statistic be used, e.g. the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
The user must specify the name of the input vector Shapefile (--input
). Correlations will be calculated for each
pair of numerical attributes contained within the input file's attribute table and presented in a correlation matrix
HMTL output (--output
See Also: ImageCorrelation, AttributeScattergram, AttributeHistogram
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input vector file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=AttributeCorrelation -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=file.shp -o=outfile.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 29/04/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to perform nieghbourhood-based (i.e. using roving search windows applied to each
grid cell) correlation analysis on two continuous attributes (--field1
and --field2
) of an input vector
). The tool outputs correlation value and a significance (p-value) fields (CORREL
) to
the input vector's attribute table. Additionally,the user must specify the size of the search window (--filter
and the correlation statistic (--stat
). Options for the correlation statistic include
, and
. Notice that Pearson's r is the
most computationally efficient of the three correlation metrics but is unsuitable when the input distributions are
non-linearly associated, in which case, either Spearman's Rho or Kendall's tau-b correlations are more suited.
Both Spearman and Kendall correlations evaluate monotonic associations without assuming linearity in the relation.
Kendall's tau-b is by far the most computationally expensive of the three statistics and may not be suitable to
larger sized search windows.
See Also: AttributeCorrelation, ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input vector file |
--field1 | First input field name (dependent variable) in attribute table |
--field2 | Second input field name (independent variable) in attribute table |
--radius | Search Radius (in map units) |
--min_points | Minimum number of points |
--stat | Correlation type; one of 'pearson' (default) and 'spearman' |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=AttributeCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis ^
-v --wd="/path/to/data/" -i=input.shp --field1=DEPEND ^
--field2=INDEPEND --radius=4.0 --min_points=3 ^
Author: Simon Gudim and Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 19/12/2019
Last Modified: 10/01/2020
This tool can be used to create a histogram, which is a graph displaying the frequency
distribution of data, for the values contained in a field of an input vector's attribute
table. The user must specify the name of an input vector (--input
) and the name of one
of the fields (--field
) contained in the associated attribute table. The tool output
) is an HTML formatted histogram analysis report. If the specified field
is non-numerical, the tool will produce a bar-chart of class frequency, similar to the
tabular output of the ListUniqueValues tool.
See Also: ListUniqueValues, RasterHistogram
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input vector file |
--field | Input field name in attribute table |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=AttributeHistogram -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=lakes.shp --field=HEIGHT ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 12/04/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to create a scattergram for
two numerical fields (--fieldx
and --fieldy
) contained within an input vector's attribute
table (--input
). The user must specify the name of an input shapefile and the name of two of
the fields contained it the associated attribute table. The tool output (--output
) is an
HTML formatted report containing a graphical scattergram plot.
See Also: AttributeHistogram, AttributeCorrelation
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
--fieldx | Input field name in attribute table for the x-axis |
--fieldy | Input field name in attribute table for the y-axis |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
--trendline | Draw the trendline |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=AttributeScattergram -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=lakes.shp --fieldx=HEIGHT ^
--fieldy=area -o=outfile.html --trendline
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 12/04/2018
Last Modified: 18/10/2019
This tool performs a ceiling (ceil) operation on the values in an input raster (--input
) to the nearest integer value.
The ceil
function calculates the smallest integer greater than or equal to the input value (e.g. ceil(0.5) = 1, ceil(-4.5) = -5).
The output raster (--output
) will be of an I32 data type.
See Also: Round, Floor, Truncate
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Ceil -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
The ConditionalEvaluation tool can be used to perform an if-then-else style conditional evaluation
on a raster image on a cell-to-cell basis. The user specifies the names of an input raster image (--input
and an output raster (--output
), along with a conditional statement (--statement
). The grid cell values
in the output image will be determined by the TRUE and FALSE values and conditional statement. The conditional
statement is a logical expression that must evaluate to either a Boolean, i.e. TRUE or FALSE. Then depending on
how this statement evaluates for each grid cell, the TRUE or FALSE values will be assigned to the corresponding
grid cells of the output raster. The TRUE or FALSE values may take the form of either a constant numerical value
or a raster image (which may be the same image as the input). These are specified by the --true
and --false
parameters, which can be either a file name pointing to existing rasters, or numerical values.
The conditional statement is a single-line logical condition. In addition to the common comparison and logical operators, i.e. < > <= >= == (EQUAL TO) != (NOT EQUAL TO) || (OR) && (AND), conditional statements may contain a number of valid mathematical functions. For example:
* log(base=10, val) -- Logarithm with optional 'base' as first argument.
If not provided, 'base' defaults to '10'.
Example: log(100) + log(e(), 100)
* e() -- Euler's number (2.718281828459045)
* pi() -- π (3.141592653589793)
* int(val)
* ceil(val)
* floor(val)
* round(modulus=1, val) -- Round with optional 'modulus' as first argument.
Example: round(1.23456) == 1 && round(0.001, 1.23456) == 1.235
* abs(val)
* sign(val)
* min(val, ...) -- Example: min(1, -2, 3, -4) == -4
* max(val, ...) -- Example: max(1, -2, 3, -4) == 3
* sin(radians) * asin(val)
* cos(radians) * acos(val)
* tan(radians) * atan(val)
* sinh(val) * asinh(val)
* cosh(val) * acosh(val)
* tanh(val) * atanh(val)
Notice that the constants Pi and e must be specified as functions, pi() and e(). A number of global variables are also available to build conditional statements. These include the following:
Special Variable Names For Use In Conditional Statements:
Name | Description |
value | The grid cell value. |
nodata | The input raster's NoData value. |
null | Same as nodata . |
minvalue | The input raster's minimum value. |
maxvalue | The input raster's maximum value. |
rows | The input raster's number of rows. |
columns | The input raster's number of columns. |
row | The grid cell's row number. |
column | The grid cell's column number. |
rowy | The row's y-coordinate. |
columnx | The column's x-coordinate. |
north | The input raster's northern coordinate. |
south | The input raster's southern coordinate. |
east | The input raster's eastern coordinate. |
west | The input raster's western coordinate. |
cellsizex | The input raster's grid resolution in the x-direction. |
cellsizey | The input raster's grid resolution in the y-direction. |
cellsize | The input raster's average grid resolution. |
The special variable names are case-sensitive. Each of the special variable names can also be used as valid TRUE or FALSE constant values.
The following are examples of valid conditional statements:
value != 300.0
row > (rows / 2)
value >= (minvalue + 35.0)
(value >= 25.0) && (value <= 75.0)
tan(value * pi() / 180.0) > 1.0
value == nodata
Any grid cell in the input raster containing the NoData value will be assigned NoData in the output raster, unless a NoData grid cell value allows the conditional statement to evaluate to True (i.e. the conditional statement includes the NoData value), in which case the True value will be assigned to the output.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Name of the input raster file |
--statement | Conditional statement e.g. value > 35.0. This statement must be a valid Rust statement |
--true | Value where condition evaluates TRUE (input raster or constant value) |
--false | Value where condition evaluates FALSE (input raster or constant value) |
--output | Name of the output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
-./whitebox_tools -r=ConditionalEvaluation -i=DEM.tif ^
--statement='value > 2500.0' --true=2500.0 --false=DEM.tif ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 21/07/2021
Last Modified: 21/07/2021
This tool creates a new shapefile output (--output
) sample sites that sastisfy a latin hypercube based
on a set of input rasters wth the same projections (--inputs
), and is therefore a multidimensional stratified random
sampling scheme. A random subset of samples (--samples
, n << N) is chosen from the population and iteratively resampled
) to minimize an objective function. An annealing schedule and a random resample probability
) are used to control how likely a interation is to randomly resample, or resample the worst
strata, where higher values favour a more random sample, and lower values favour a more stratified sample.
The annealing process controls the probability that samples will be discarded each iteration.
The temperature is decreased over several iterations, decreasing the probability of discarding
the new sample. The properties of the annealing process can be manipulated through the
parameters --temp
for initial temperature --temp_decay
for the tempature decay rate,
and -cycle
to determine the number of iterations before re-applying the decay rate.
This implementation is loosely based on Minasny and McBratney (2006). An additional optional
parameter --average
has been added to normalize the continuous objective function and bring
it closer to the range of values for the catagorical and correlation objective functions. This
prevents continuous inputs from dominating the objective function and makes the objective function
cutoff threshold (--threshold
) more predictable. However, as a result, the algorithm will emphasize
the catagorical and correlation objective relative to the standard weighting.
data objective function has been used to average the number of strata so that it does not dominate the
objective function, and makes a objective function cutoff value more predictable (--o_thresh
Another departure from the orignal is that a lower objective function forces the sample to be retained
instead of rejected. This was originally based on a random number and the annealed changed in objective function.
Minsasny, B., and McBratney, A. B. (2006). A conditioned Latin hypercube method for sampling in the presence of ancillary information. Computers and Geosciences, 32, 1378-1388.
See Also:
Flag | Description |
-i, --inputs | Name of the input raster file |
-o, --output | Output shapefile |
--samples | Number of sample sites returned |
--iterations | Maximum iterations (if stopping criteria not reached) |
--seed | Seed for RNG consistency |
--prob | Probability of random resample or resampling worst strata between [0,1] |
--threshold | Objective function values below the theshold stop the resampling iterations |
--temp | Initial annealing temperature between [0,1] |
--temp_decay | Annealing temperature decay proportion between [0,1]. Reduce temperature by this proportion each annealing cycle |
--cycle | Number of iterations before decaying annealing temperature |
--average | Weight the continuous objective funtion by the 1/N contributing strata |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
-./whitebox_tools run -i=Raster1.tif;Raster2.tif ^
--output=sites.shp --samples=500
Author: Daniel Newman
Created: 17/08/2021
Last Modified: 31/05/2022
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the cosine (cos) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Sin, Tan, ArcCos, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Cos -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
hyperbolic cosine (cosh) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Sinh, Tanh, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Cosh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
The Crispness Index (C) provides a means of quantifying the crispness, or fuzziness, of a membership probability (MP) image. MP images describe the probability of each grid cell belonging to some feature or class. MP images contain values ranging from 0 to 1.
The index, as described by Lindsay (2006), is the ratio between the sum of the squared differences (from the image mean) in the MP image divided by the sum of the squared differences for the Boolean case in which the total probability, summed for the image, is arranged crisply.
C is closely related to a family of relative variation coefficients that measure variation in an MP image relative to the maximum possible variation (i.e. when the total probability is arranged such that grid cells contain only 1s or 0s). Notice that 0 < C < 1 and a low C-value indicates a nearly uniform spatial distribution of any probability value, and C = 1 indicates a crisp spatial probability distribution, containing only 1's and 0's.
C is calculated as follows:
C = SS_mp ∕ SS_B = [∑(pij − p-bar)^2] ∕ [ ∑pij(1 − p-bar)^2 + p2(RC − ∑pij)]
Note that there is an error in the original published equation. Specifically, the denominator read:
∑pij(1 - p_bar)^2 + p_bar^2 (RC - ∑pij)
instead of the original:
∑pij(1 - p_bar^2) - p_bar^2 (RC - ∑pij)
Lindsay, J. B. (2006). Sensitivity of channel mapping techniques to uncertainty in digital elevation data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20(6), 669-692.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Optional output html file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=CrispnessIndex -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
>>./whitebox_tools -r=CrispnessIndex -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -o=crispness.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 15/08/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to perform a cross-tabulation on two input raster images (--i1
and --i2
) containing
categorical data, i.e. classes. It will output a contingency table
in HTML format (--output
). A contingency table, also known as a cross tabulation or crosstab, is a type of table
that displays the multivariate frequency distribution of the variables. These tables provide a basic picture of the
interrelation between two categorical variables and can help find interactions between them. CrossTabulation
can provide useful information about the nature of land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes between two dates of classified
multi-spectral satellite imagery. For example, the extent of urban expansion could be described using the information
about the extent of pixels in an 'urban' class in Date 2 that were previously assigned to other classes (e.g.
agricultural LULC categories) in the Date 1 imagery.
Both input images must share the same grid, as the analysis requires a comparison of a pair of images on a cell-by-cell basis. If a grid cell contains a NoData value in either of the input images, the cell will be excluded from the analysis.
Flag | Description |
--i1, --input1 | Input raster file 1 |
--i2, --input2 | Input raster file 1 |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=CrossTabulation -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --i1="file1.tif" --i2="file2.tif" ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 18/12/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool converts the values in an input image (--input
) into
a cumulative distribution function.
Therefore, the output raster (--output
) will contain the cumulative probability value (0-1) of
of values equal to or less than the value in the corresponding grid cell in the input image. NoData
values in the input image are not considered during the transformation and remain NoData values in
the output image.
See Also: ZScores
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=CumulativeDistribution -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=DEM.tif -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 22/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to decrease the values of each grid cell in an input raster (--input
by 1.0. Note that this tool will modify the input raster. If you would rather create a new
raster file, leaving the input unmodified, use the Subtract tool instead.
See Also: InPlaceSubtract, Subtract, Increment
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Decrement -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 11/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster in which each grid cell is equal to the division of the corresponding grid cells in two input rasters or one input raster and a constant value. If two images are input, both images must possess the same number of rows and columns and spatial extent, as the analysis will be carried out on a cell-by-cell basis. If a grid cell contains a NoData value in either of the input images, the cell will be excluded from the analysis.
See Also: Multiply, Add, Subtract, InPlaceDivide
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Divide -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 24/01/2019
This tool assigns grid cells for which both (--input1
and --input2
) input rasters (or one raster and
a constant value) have equal values a new value of 1 (True) in the output raster (--output
). All
non-equivalent grid cells are assigned a value of zero (False). Grid cells containing NoData values
in either of the inputs will be assigned a NoData value in the output raster.
See Also: NotEqualTo, GreaterThan, LessThan
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=EqualTo -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as
e to the power of the value of the
corresponding grid cell in the input raster (--input
). Moderate to large values in the input
raster will result in very large values in the output raster and this may cause errors when you
try to display the data. Grid cells with NoData values in the input raster will be assigned
NoData values in the output raster.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Exp -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as
2 to the power of the value of the corresponding grid cell in the input raster (--input
Moderate to large values in the input raster will result in very large values in the output
raster and this may cause errors when you try to display the data. Grid cells with NoData
values in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Exp2 -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool performs a floor operation on the values in an input raster (--input
) to the nearest integer value.
The floor
function calculates the largest integer less than or equal to the input value (e.g. floor(0.5) = 0, floor(-4.5) = -4).
The output raster (--output
) will be of an I32 data type.
See Also: Ceil, Round, Truncate
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Floor -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o='output.tif'
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool assigns grid cells for which the first input raster or constant value (--input1
) is greater than
the second input raster or constant value (--input2
) a new value of 1 (True) in the output raster (--output
All grid cells with lesser values are assigned a value of zero (False) in the output. Grid cells containing
NoData values in either of the inputs will be assigned a NoData value in the output raster.
Use the --incl_equals
flag to perform a greater-than-equal-to (>=) operation instead of the default greater-than (>)
See Also: LessThan, EqualTo, NotEqualTo
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--incl_equals | Perform a greater-than-or-equal-to operation |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=GreaterThan -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 18/10/2019
Spatial autocorrelation describes the extent to which a variable is either dispersed or clustered through space. In the case of a raster image, spatial autocorrelation refers to the similarity in the values of nearby grid cells. This tool measures the spatial autocorrelation of a raster image using the global Moran's I statistic. Moran's I varies from -1 to 1, where I = -1 indicates a dispersed, checkerboard type pattern and I = 1 indicates a clustered (smooth) surface. I = 0 occurs for a random distribution of values. ImageAutocorrelation computes Moran's I for the first lag only, meaning that it only takes into account the variability among the immediate neighbors of each grid cell.
The user must specify the names of one or more input raster images. In addition, the user must specify the
contiguity type (--contiguity
; Rook's, King's, or Bishop's), which describes which neighboring grid cells are examined for
the analysis. The following figure describes the available cases:
Rook's contiguity
. | . | . |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | X | 1 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
Kings's contiguity
. | . | . |
1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | X | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Bishops's contiguity
. | . | . |
1 | 0 | 1 |
0 | X | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
The tool outputs an HTML report (--output
) which, for each input image (--input
), reports the Moran's I
value and the variance, z-score, and p-value (significance) under normal and randomization sampling assumptions.
Use the ImageCorrelation tool instead when there is need to determine the correlation among multiple raster inputs.
**NoData **values in the input image are ignored during the analysis.
See Also: ImageCorrelation, ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis
Flag | Description |
-i, --inputs | Input raster files |
--contiguity | Contiguity type |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ImageAutocorrelation -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i="file1.tif, file2.tif, file3.tif" ^
-o=outfile.html --contiguity=Bishops
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 16/12/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to estimate the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (r) between two or
more input images (--inputs
). The r-value is a measure of the linear association in the variation of
the input variables (images, in this case). The coefficient ranges from -1.0, indicated a perfect negative
linear association, to 1.0, indicated a perfect positive linear association. An r-value of 0.0 indicates
no correlation between the test variables.
Note that this index is a measure of the linear association; two variables may be strongly related by a non-linear association (e.g. a power function curve) which will lead to an apparent weak association based on the Pearson coefficient. In fact, non-linear associations are very common among spatial variables, e.g. terrain indices such as slope and contributing area. In such cases, it is advisable that the input images are transformed prior to the estimation of the Pearson coefficient, or that an alternative, non-parametric statistic be used, e.g. the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
The user must specify the names of two or more input images (--inputs
). All input images must share the
same grid, as the coefficient requires a comparison of a pair of images on a grid-cell-by-grid-cell basis.
If more than two image names are selected, the correlation coefficient will be calculated for each pair of
images and reported in the HTML output report (--output
) as a correlation matrix. Caution must be
exercised when attempted to estimate the significance of a correlation coefficient derived from image data.
The very high N-value (essentially the number of pixels in the image pair) means that even small correlation
coefficients can be found to be statistically significant, despite being practically insignificant.
NoData values in either of the two input images are ignored during the calculation of the correlation between images.
See Also: ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis, ImageRegression, ImageAutocorrelation
Flag | Description |
-i, --inputs | Input raster files |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ImageCorrelation -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i="file1.tif, file2.tif, file3.tif" ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 03/09/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to perform nieghbourhood-based (i.e. using roving search windows applied to each
grid cell) correlation analysis on two input rasters (--input1
and --input2
). The tool outputs a
correlation value raster (--output1
) and a significance (p-value) raster (--output2
). Additionally,
the user must specify the size of the search window (--filter
) and the correlation statistic (--stat
Options for the correlation statistic include pearson
, and
. Notice that Pearson's r is the
most computationally efficient of the three correlation metrics but is unsuitable when the input distributions are
non-linearly associated, in which case, either Spearman's Rho or Kendall's tau-b correlations are more suited.
Both Spearman and Kendall correlations evaluate monotonic associations without assuming linearity in the relation.
Kendall's tau-b is by far the most computationally expensive of the three statistics and may not be suitable to
larger sized search windows.
See Also: ImageCorrelation, ImageRegression
Flag | Description |
--i1, --input1 | Input raster file |
--i2, --input2 | Input raster file |
--o1, --output1 | Output correlation (r-value or rho) raster file |
--o2, --output2 | Output significance (p-value) raster file |
--filter | Size of the filter kernel |
--stat | Correlation type; one of 'pearson' (default) and 'spearman' |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --i1=file1.tif --i2=file2.tif ^
--o1=corr.tif --o2=sig.tif --stat="spearman"
Author: Simon Gudim and Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/12/2019
Last Modified: 06/12/2019
This tool performs a bivariate linear regression analysis on two input raster images. The first image
) is considered to be the independent variable while the second image (--i2
) is considered to
be the dependent variable in the analysis. Both input images must share the same grid, as the coefficient
requires a comparison of a pair of images on a grid-cell-by-grid-cell basis. The tool will output an HTML
report (--output
) summarizing the regression model, an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and the
significance of the regression coefficients. The regression residuals can optionally be output as a new
raster image (--out_residuals
) and the user can also optionally specify to standardize the residuals
Note that the analysis performs a linear regression; two variables may be strongly related by a non-linear association (e.g. a power function curve) which will lead to an apparently weak fitting regression model. In fact, non-linear relations are very common among spatial variables, e.g. terrain indices such as slope and contributing area. In such cases, it is advisable that the input images are transformed prior to the analysis.
NoData values in either of the two input images are ignored during the calculation of the correlation between images.
See Also: ImageCorrelation, ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis
Flag | Description |
--i1, --input1 | Input raster file (independent variable, X) |
--i2, --input2 | Input raster file (dependent variable, Y) |
-o, --output | Output HTML file for regression summary report |
--out_residuals | Output raster regression residual file |
--standardize | Optional flag indicating whether to standardize the residuals map |
--scattergram | Optional flag indicating whether to output a scattergram |
--num_samples | Number of samples used to create scattergram |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ImageRegression -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --i1='file1.tif' --i2='file2.tif' ^
-o='outfile.html' --out_residuals='residuals.tif' ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 27/09/2017
Last Modified: 18/10/2019
This tool performs an in-place addition, or increment operation (i.e. input1 += input2
). The
user must specify the names of two input images (--input1
and --input2
) and the tool will
add the values of input2
to the input1
raster on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Therefore, the
raster is modified by this tool. Note that input2
may either be an existing raster
file or a constant value. If input2
is a raster, it must have the same dimensions (rows and
columns) as input1
The difference between this tool and the Add tool is that Add does not modify either of its two operands, and instead creates a new output raster to save the resultant value into.
If input2 = 1
, use the Increment tool instead.
See Also: Add, InPlaceSubtract, InPlaceDivide, InPlaceMultiply, Increment
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceAdd -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif'"
>>./whitebox_tools ^
-r=InPlaceAdd -v --wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 18/03/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool performs an in-place division operation (i.e. input1 /= input2
). The
user must specify the names of two input images (--input1
and --input2
) and the tool will
divide the input1
raster by the input2
values on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Therefore, the
raster is modified by this tool. Note that input2
may either be an existing raster
file or a non-zero constant value. If input2
is a raster, it must have the same dimensions (rows and
columns) as input1
. Zero-valued pixels in input2
will be assigned the NoData value in
after this operation.
The difference between this tool and the Divide tool is that Divide does not modify either of its two operands, and instead creates a new output raster to save the resultant value into.
See Also: Divide, InPlaceAdd, InPlaceMultiply, InPlaceSubtract
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceDivide -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif'"
>>./whitebox_tools ^
-r=InPlaceDivide -v --wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 18/03/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool performs an in-place multiplication operation (i.e. input1 *= input2
). The
user must specify the names of two input images (--input1
and --input2
) and the tool will
multiply the input1
raster by the input2
values on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Therefore, the
raster is modified by this tool. Note that input2
may either be an existing raster
file or a constant value. If input2
is a raster, it must have the same dimensions (rows and
columns) as input1
The difference between this tool and the Multiply tool is that Multiply does not modify either of its two operands, and instead creates a new output raster to save the resultant value into.
See Also: Multiply, InPlaceAdd, InPlaceDivide, InPlaceSubtract
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceMultiply -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' ^
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceMultiply -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' --input2=10.5'
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 18/03/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool performs an in-place subtraction, or decrement operation (i.e. input1 -= input2
). The
user must specify the names of two input images (--input1
and --input2
) and the tool will
subtact the values of input2
from the input1
raster on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Therefore, the
raster is modified by this tool. Note that input2
may either be an existing raster
file or a constant value. If input2
is a raster, it must have the same dimensions (rows and
columns) as input1
The difference between this tool and the Subtract tool is that Subtract does not modify either of its two operands, and instead creates a new output raster to save the resultant value into.
If input2 = 1
, use the Decrement tool instead.
See Also: Subtract, InPlaceAdd, InPlaceDivide, InPlaceMultiply, Decrement
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceSubtract -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' ^
>>./whitebox_tools -r=InPlaceSubtract -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' --input2=10.5'
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 18/03/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool can be used to increase the values of each grid cell in an input raster (--input
by 1.0. Note that this tool will modify the input raster. If you would rather create a new
raster file, leaving the input unmodified, use the Add tool instead.
See Also: InPlaceAdd, Add, Decrement
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Increment -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 11/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
integer division of the corresponding
grid cells in two input rasters or constant values (--input1
and --input2
). The calculation differs
from regular division in that the result is always an integer value (rounded by truncation). If the
second raster / constant is zero the corresponding grid cell in the output raster will be assigned
the NoData value. Grid cells containing NoData values in either of the inputs will be assigned
a NoData value in the output raster.
See Also: Divide
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=IntegerDivision -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (
This tool takes a two or more component images (--inputs
), and the
principal component analysis (PCA)
report derived using the PrincipalComponentAnalysis tool, and performs the inverse PCA transform to
derive the original series of input images. This inverse transform is frequently performed to reduce
noise within a multi-spectral image data set. With a typical PCA transform, high-frequency noise will
commonly map onto the higher component images. By excluding one or more higher-valued component
images from the input component list, the inverse transform can produce a set of images in the
original coordinate system that exclude the information contained within component images excluded
from the input list. Note that the number of output images will also equal the number of original
images input to the PrincipalComponentAnalysis tool. The output images will be named automatically
with a "inv_PCA_image" suffix.
See Also: PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Flag | Description |
-i, --inputs | Name of the input PCA component images |
-r, --report | Name of the PCA report file (*.html) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>> ./whitebox_tools -r=InversePrincipalComponentAnalysis ^
--inputs="PCA_comp1.tif; PCA_comp2.tif; PCA_comp3.tif" ^
Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.
Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)
Created: 14/03/2021
Last Modified: 14/03/2021
This tool can be used to identify areas of NoData values within an input image.The user must specify the name
of the input and output (--input
and --output
) raster images. Grid cells containing the NoData value in
the input image will be assigned a value of 1.0 in the output image. All non-NoData valued grid cells will
be assigned 0.0 in the output image.
See Also: SetNodataValue, ConvertNodataToZero
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=IsNoData -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 01/06/2020
This tool calculates the Kappa index of agreement (KIA), or
Cohen's Kappa, for two categorical input raster images (--input1
and --input2
). The KIA is a measure of inter-rater
reliability (i.e. classification accuracy) and is widely applied in many fields, notably remote sensing. For example,
The KIA is often used as a means of assessing the accuracy of an image classification analysis. The KIA
can be interpreted as the percentage improvement that the underlying classification has over and above a random
classifier (i.e. random assignment to categories). The user must specify the output HTML file (--output
). The input
images must be of a categorical data type, i.e. contain classes. As a measure of classification accuracy, the
KIA is more robust than the overall percent agreement because it takes into account the agreement occurring by
chance. A KIA of 0 would indicate that the classifier is no better than random class assignment. In addition to the
KIA, this tool will also output the producer's and user's accuracy,
the overall accuracy, and the error matrix.
See Also: CrossTabulation
Flag | Description |
--i1, --input1 | Input classification raster file |
--i2, --input2 | Input reference raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=KappaIndex -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--i1=class.tif --i2=reference.tif -o=kia.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 24/09/2017
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool will perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test for normality to evaluate whether the frequency distribution of values within a raster image are drawn from a Gaussian (normal) distribution. The user must specify the name of the raster image. The test can be performed optionally on the entire image or on a random sub-sample of pixel values of a user-specified size. In evaluating the significance of the test, it is important to keep in mind that given a sufficiently large sample, extremely small and non-notable differences can be found to be statistically significant. Furthermore statistical significance says nothing about the practical significance of a difference.
See Also: TwoSampleKsTest
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
--num_samples | Number of samples. Leave blank to use whole image |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=KsTestForNormality -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=input.tif -o=output.html ^
>>./whitebox_tools -r=KsTestForNormality -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=input.tif -o=output.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 02/01/2018
Last Modified: 12/10/2018
This tool assigns grid cells for which the first input raster or constant value (--input1
) is less than
the second input raster or constant value (--input2
) a new value of 1 (True) in the output raster (--output
All grid cells with greater values are assigned a value of zero (False) in the output. Grid cells containing
NoData values in either of the inputs will be assigned a NoData value in the output raster.
Use the --incl_equals
flag to perform a less-than-equal-to (<=) operation instead of the default less-than (<)
See Also: LessThan, EqualTo, NotEqualTo
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--incl_equals | Perform a less-than-or-equal-to operation |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=LessThan -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 18/10/2019
This tool can be used to list each of the unique values contained within a categorical field
of an input vector file's attribute table. The tool outputs an HTML formatted report (--output
containing a table of the unique values and their frequency of occurrence within the data. The user must
specify the name of an input shapefile (--input
) and the name of one of the fields (--field
contained in the associated attribute table. The specified field should not contained floating-point
numerical data, since the number of categories will likely equal the number of records, which may be
quite large. The tool effectively provides tabular output that is similar to the graphical output
provided by the AttributeHistogram tool, which, however, can be applied to continuous data.
See Also: AttributeHistogram
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input vector file |
--field | Input field name in attribute table |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ListUniqueValues -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=lakes.shp --field=HEIGHT ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 12/04/2018
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to list each of the unique values contained within a categorical raster (input
). The tool
outputs an HTML formatted report (--output
containing a table of the unique values and their frequency of occurrence within the data. The user must
specify the name of an input raster (--input
). The specified raster should not contained categorical data.
The tool provides tabular output.
See Also: ListUniqueValues
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ListUniqueValuesRaster -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=lakes.shp --field=HEIGHT ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 12/04/2018
Last Modified: 18/10/2023
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as the base-e logarithm
of the value of the corresponding grid cell in the input raster (--input
), i.e. the
natural logarithm. Eurler's number
e is a constant approximately equal to 2.718282.
Negative values in the input raster will be assigned the NoData value in the output raster. NoData values
in the input image will be assigned the NoData value in the output image.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Ln -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as the base-10
logarithm of the value of the corresponding grid cell in the input
raster (--input
). Negative values in the input raster will be assigned the NoData value in the output
raster. NoData values in the input image will be assigned the NoData value in the output image.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Log10 -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as the base-2
logarithm of the value of the corresponding grid cell in the input
raster (--input
). Negative values in the input raster will be assigned the NoData value in the output
raster. NoData values in the input image will be assigned the NoData value in the output image.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Log2 -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool performs a Max operation on either two input rasters or a raster and a constant value
and --input2
). The operation is performed on a cell-by-cell basis, where by the output
raster (--output
) will be assigned the maximum value of each of the input values. NoData values
in the input image will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Min
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Max -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool performs a Min operation on either two input rasters or a raster and a constant value
and --input2
). The operation is performed on a cell-by-cell basis, where by the output
raster (--output
) will be assigned the minimum value of each of the input values. NoData values
in the input image will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Max
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Min -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the remainder of the division
of the corresponding grid cells in two input rasters or one input raster and a constant value (--input1
), i.e. it performs a modulo operation on two numbers.
For example, the expression 14 Mod 4 equals 2. If either of the two input numbers is a floating-point value,
the floating-point remainder of the division is returned. Because of the imprecision of floating-point storage,
the Modulo tool can return an unexpected result when at least one of the operands is floating-point. If the
second raster / constant is zero the corresponding grid cell in the output raster will be assigned the NoData
value. NoData values in either of the input images will be assigned a NoData value in the output image.
Notice that the IntegerDivision tool returns the integer quotient of a division. For example, the expression
14 intdiv 4 evaluates to 3.
See Also: IntegerDivision
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Modulo -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster in which each grid cell is equal to the multiplication (product) of the corresponding grid cells in two input rasters or one input raster and a constant value. If two images are input, both images must possess the same number of rows and columns and spatial extent, as the analysis will be carried out on a cell-by-cell basis. If a grid cell contains a NoData value in either of the input images, the cell will be excluded from the analysis.
See Also:
Divide, Add, Subtract, InPlaceMulitply
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Multiply -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 24/01/2019
This tool creates a new raster in which each grid cell is equal to negative one times the corresponding grid cell in the input raster. This effectively changes the sign of values. This tool also handles Boolean data (0, 1) by reversing values (i.e. 0->1 and 1->0).
See Also: AbsoluteValue
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Negate -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool is a Boolean NOT operator, i.e. it works on True or False (1 and 0) values. Grid cells for which
the first input raster (--input1
) has a True value and the second raster (--input2
) has a False value are assigned
0 in the output raster, otherwise grid cells are assigned a value of 0. All non-zero values in the input
rasters are considered to be True, while all zero-valued grid cells are considered to be False. Grid
cells containing NoData values in either of the input rasters will be assigned a NoData value in
the output raster (--output
). Notice that the Not operator is asymmetrical, and the order of inputs matters.
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Not -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 02/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool assigns grid cells for which both (--input1
and --input2
) input rasters (or one raster and
a constant value) have unequal values a new value of 1 (True) in the output raster (--output
). All
equivalent grid cells are assigned a value of zero (False). Grid cells containing NoData values
in either of the inputs will be assigned a NoData value in the output raster.
See Also: EqualTo, GreaterThan, LessThan
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=NotEqualTo -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool is a Boolean OR operator, i.e. it works on True or False (1 and 0) values. Grid cells for which
the either the first or second input rasters (--input1
; --input2
) have a True value are assigned
1 in the output raster, otherwise grid cells are assigned a value of 0. All non-zero values in the input
rasters are considered to be True, while all zero-valued grid cells are considered to be False. Grid
cells containing NoData values in either of the input rasters will be assigned a NoData value in
the output raster (--output
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Or -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 02/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool will perform a paired-sample t-test to evaluate whether a significant statistical difference exists between the two rasters. The null hypothesis is that the difference between the paired population means is equal to zero. The paired-samples t-test makes an assumption that the differences between related samples follows a Gaussian distribution. The tool will output a cumulative probability distribution, with a fitted Gaussian, to help users evaluate whether this assumption is violated by the data. If this is the case, the WilcoxonSignedRankTest should be used instead.
The user must
specify the name of the two input raster images (--input1
and --input2
) and the output report
HTML file (--output
). The test can be performed optionally on the entire image or on a random
sub-sample of pixel values of a user-specified size (--num_samples
). In evaluating the significance
of the test, it is important to keep in mind that given a sufficiently large sample, extremely small and
non-notable differences can be found to be statistically significant. Furthermore
statistical significance says nothing about the practical significance of a difference.
See Also: TwoSampleKsTest, WilcoxonSignedRankTest
Flag | Description |
--input1 | First input raster file |
--input2 | Second input raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
--num_samples | Number of samples. Leave blank to use whole image |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=PairedSampleTTest -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1=input1.tif -input2=input2.tif ^
-o=output.html --num_samples=1000
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 24/10/2019
Last Modified: 25/10/2019
Note this tool is part of a WhiteboxTools extension product. Please visit Whitebox Geospatial Inc. for information about purchasing a license activation key (
This tool performs a binary classification accuracy assessment, using the Phi coefficient.
The Phi coefficient is a measure of association for two binary variables. Introduced by Karl Pearson, this measure is
similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient in its interpretation and is related to the chi-squared statistic
for a 2×2 contingency table. The user must specify the names of two input images (--input1
and --input2
), containing
categorical data.
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Name of the first input raster image file |
--input2 | Name of the second input raster image file |
-o, --output | Name of the output HTML file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>> ./whitebox_tools -r=PhiCoefficient --input1=image1.tif ^
--input2=image2.tif' -o=PhiReport.html
Source code is unavailable due to proprietary license.
Author: Whitebox Geospatial Inc. (c)
Created: 21/04/2021
Last Modified: 21/04/2021
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is calculated as
a value (--input1
) raised to the power of another value (--input2
). Both inputs can either be
rasters or constant values. Moderate to exponent large values will result in very large output values
and this may cause errors when you display the data. Grid cells with NoData values in either of the input
rasters will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Power -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a common data reduction technique that is used to reduce the dimensionality of multi-dimensional space. In the field of remote sensing, PCA is often used to reduce the number of bands of multi-spectral, or hyper-spectral, imagery. Image correlation analysis often reveals a substantial level of correlation among bands of multi-spectral imagery. This correlation represents data redundancy, i.e. fewer images than the number of bands are required to represent the same information, where the information is related to variation within the imagery. PCA transforms the original data set of n bands into n 'component' images, where each component image is uncorrelated with all other components. The technique works by transforming the axes of the multi-spectral space such that it coincides with the directions of greatest correlation. Each of these new axes are orthogonal to one another, i.e. they are at right angles. PCA is therefore a type of coordinate system transformation. The PCA component images are arranged such that the greatest amount of variance (or information) within the original data set, is contained within the first component and the amount of variance decreases with each component. It is often the case that the majority of the information contained in a multi-spectral data set can be represented by the first three or four PCA components. The higher-order components are often associated with noise in the original data set.
The user must specify the names of the multiple input images (--inputs
). Additionally, the user must specify whether to
perform a standardized PCA (--standardized
) and the number of output components (--num_comp
) to generate (all components
will be output unless otherwise specified). A standardized PCA is performed using the correlation matrix rather than the
variance-covariance matrix. This is appropriate when the variances in the input images differ substantially, such as would be
the case if they contained values that were recorded in different units (e.g. feet and meters) or on different scales (e.g.
8-bit vs. 16 bit).
Several outputs will be generated when the tool has completed. The PCA report will be embedded within an output (--output
HTML file, which should be automatically displayed after the tool has completed. This report contains useful data summarizing
the results of the PCA, including the explained variances of each factor, the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors associated with
factors, the factor loadings, and a scree plot. The first table that is in the PCA report lists the amount of explained
variance (in non-cumulative and cumulative form), the Eigenvalue, and the Eigenvector for each component. Each of the PCA
components refer to the newly created, transformed images that are created by running the tool. The amount of explained
variance associated with each component can be thought of as a measure of how much information content within the original
multi-spectral data set that a component has. The higher this value is, the more important the component is. This same
information is presented in graphical form in the scree plot, found at the bottom of the PCA report. The Eigenvalue is
another measure of the information content of a component and the eigenvector describes the mathematical transformation
(rotation coordinates) that correspond to a particular component image.
Factor loadings are also output in a table within the PCA text report (second table). These loading values describe the correlation (i.e. r values) between each of the PCA components (columns) and the original images (rows). These values show you how the information contained in an image is spread among the components. An analysis of factor loadings can be reveal useful information about the data set. For example, it can help to identify groups of similar images.
PCA is used to reduce the number of band images necessary for classification (i.e. as a data reduction technique), for noise reduction, and for change detection applications. When used as a change detection technique, the major PCA components tend to be associated with stable elements of the data set while variance due to land-cover change tend to manifest in the high-order, 'change components'. When used as a noise reduction technique, an inverse PCA is generally performed, leaving out one or more of the high-order PCA components, which account for noise variance.
Note: the current implementation reads every raster into memory at one time. This is because of the calculation of the
co-variances. As such, if the entire image stack cannot fit in memory, the tool will likely experience an out-of-memory error.
This tool should be run using the --wd
flag to specify the working directory into which the component images will be
Flag | Description |
-i, --inputs | Input raster files |
--out_html, --output | Output HTML report file |
--num_comp | Number of component images to output; <= to num. input images |
--standardized | Perform standardized PCA? |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=PrincipalComponentAnalysis -v ^
--wd='/path/to/data/' -i='image1.tif;image2.tif;image3.tif' ^
--output=report.html --num_comp=3 --standardized
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 15/03/2018
Last Modified: 18/10/2019
This tool transforms values in an input raster (--input
) into quantiles. In statistics, quantiles are cut
points dividing the range of a probability distribution into continuous intervals with equal probabilities, or
dividing the observations in a sample in a same way. There is one fewer quantile than the number of groups
created. Thus quartiles are the three cut points that will divide a dataset into four equal-sized groups. Common
quantiles have special names: for instance quartile (4-quantile), quintiles (5-quantiles), decile (10-quantile),
percentile (100-quantile).
The user must specify the desired number of quantiles, q (--num_quantiles
), in the output raster (--output
The output raster will contain q equal-sized groups with values 1 to q, indicating which quantile group each grid cell
belongs to.
See Also: HistogramEqualization
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--num_quantiles | Number of quantiles |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Quantiles -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i=DEM.tif -o=output.tif --num_quantiles=5
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to a raster image filled with random values drawn from a standard normal distribution.
The values range from approximately -4.0 to 4.0, with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.0. The
dimensions and georeferencing of the output random field (--output
) are based on an existing, user-specified
raster grid (--base
). Note that the output field will not possess any spatial autocorrelation. If spatially
autocorrelated random fields are desired, the TurningBandsSimulation tool is more appropriate, or alternatively,
the FastAlmostGaussianFilter tool may be used to force spatial autocorrelation onto the distribution of the
RandomField tool.
See Also: TurningBandsSimulation, FastAlmostGaussianFilter
Flag | Description |
-i, --base | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RandomField -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--base=in.tif -o=out.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 11/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to create a random sample of grid cells. The user specifies the base raster file, which is used to determine the grid dimensions and georeference information for the output raster, and the number of sample random samples (n). The output grid will contain n non-zero grid cells, randomly distributed throughout the raster grid, and a background value of zero. This tool is useful when performing statistical analyses on raster images when you wish to obtain a random sample of data.
Only valid, non-nodata, cells in the base raster will be sampled.
Flag | Description |
-i, --base | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--num_samples | Number of samples |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RandomSample -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--base=in.tif -o=out.tif --num_samples=1000
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: January 2, 2018
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
The RasterCalculator tool can be used to perform a complex mathematical operations on one or more input
raster images on a cell-to-cell basis. The user specifies the name of the output raster (--output
and a mathematical expression, or statement (--statement
). Rasters are treated like variables (that
change value with each grid cell) and are specified within the statement with the file name contained
within either double or single quotation marks (e.g. "DEM.tif" > 500.0). Raster variables may or may not include the file directory.
If unspecified, a raster is assumed to exist within the working directory. Similarly, if the file extension
is unspecified, it is assumed to be '.tif'. **Note, all input rasters must share the same number of rows
and columns and spatial extent. Use the Resample tool if this is not the case to convert the one raster's
grid resolution to the others.
The mathematical expression supports all of the standard algebraic unary and binary operators (+ - * / ^ %), as well as comparisons (< <= == != >= >) and logical operators (&& ||) with short-circuit support. The order of operations, from highest to lowest is as follows.
Listed in order of precedence:
Order | Symbol | Description |
(Highest Precedence) | ^ | Exponentiation |
% | Modulo | |
/ | Division | |
* | Multiplication | |
- | Subtraction | |
+ | Addition | |
== != < <= >= > | Comparisons (all have equal precedence) | |
&& and | Logical AND with short-circuit | |
(Lowest Precedence) | || or | Logical OR with short-circuit |
Several common mathematical functions are also available for use in the input statement. For example:
* log(base=10, val) -- Logarithm with optional 'base' as first argument.
If not provided, 'base' defaults to '10'.
Example: log(100) + log(e(), 100)
* e() -- Euler's number (2.718281828459045)
* pi() -- π (3.141592653589793)
* int(val)
* ceil(val)
* floor(val)
* round(modulus=1, val) -- Round with optional 'modulus' as first argument.
Example: round(1.23456) == 1 && round(0.001, 1.23456) == 1.235
* abs(val)
* sign(val)
* min(val, ...) -- Example: min(1, -2, 3, -4) == -4
* max(val, ...) -- Example: max(1, -2, 3, -4) == 3
* sin(radians) * asin(val)
* cos(radians) * acos(val)
* tan(radians) * atan(val)
* sinh(val) * asinh(val)
* cosh(val) * acosh(val)
* tanh(val) * atanh(val)
Notice that the constants pi and e must be specified as functions, pi()
and e()
. A number of global variables
are also available to build conditional statements. These include the following:
Special Variable Names For Use In Conditional Statements:
Name | Description |
nodata | An input raster's NoData value. |
null | Same as nodata . |
minvalue | An input raster's minimum value. |
maxvalue | An input raster's maximum value. |
rows | The input raster's number of rows. |
columns | The input raster's number of columns. |
row | The grid cell's row number. |
column | The grid cell's column number. |
rowy | The row's y-coordinate. |
columnx | The column's x-coordinate. |
north | The input raster's northern coordinate. |
south | The input raster's southern coordinate. |
east | The input raster's eastern coordinate. |
west | The input raster's western coordinate. |
cellsizex | The input raster's grid resolution in the x-direction. |
cellsizey | The input raster's grid resolution in the y-direction. |
cellsize | The input raster's average grid resolution. |
The special variable names are case-sensitive. If there are more than one raster inputs used in the statement,
the functional forms of the nodata
, null
, minvalue
, and maxvalue
variables should be used, e.g.
, otherwise the value is assumed to specify the attribute of the first raster in the
statement. The following are examples of valid statements:
"raster" != 300.0
"raster" >= (minvalue + 35.0)
("raster1" >= 25.0) && ("raster2" <= 75.0) -- Evaluates to 1 where both conditions are true.
tan("raster" * pi() / 180.0) > 1.0
"raster" == nodata
Any grid cell in the input rasters containing the NoData value will be assigned NoData in the output raster,
unless a NoData grid cell value allows the statement to evaluate to True (i.e. the mathematical expression
includes the nodata
See Also: ConditionalEvaluation
Flag | Description |
--statement | Statement e.g. cos("raster1") * 35.0 + "raster2". This statement must be a valid Rust statement |
--output | Name of the output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
-./whitebox_tools -r=ConditionalEvaluation -i=DEM.tif ^
--statement='value > 2500.0' --true=2500.0 --false=DEM.tif ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 21/07/2021
Last Modified: 21/07/2021
This tool produces a histogram (i.e. a frequency distribution graph) for the values contained within
an input raster file (--input
). The histogram will be embedded within an output (--output
HTML file, which should be automatically displayed after the tool has completed.
See Also: AttributeHistogram
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file (default name will be based on input file if unspecified) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RasterHistogram -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i="file1.tif" -o=outfile.html
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 19/12/2017
Last Modified: 24/01/2019
This tool outputs distribution summary statistics for input raster images (--input
The distribution statistics include the raster minimum, maximum, range, total, mean,
variance, and standard deviation. These summary statistics are output to the system stdout
The following is an example of the summary report:
* Welcome to RasterSummaryStats *
Reading data...Number of non-nodata grid cells: 32083559
Number of nodata grid cells: 3916441
Image minimum: 390.266357421875
Image maximum: 426.0322570800781
Image range: 35.765899658203125
Image total: 13030334843.332886
Image average: 406.13745012929786
Image variance: 31.370027239143383
Image standard deviation: 5.600895217654351
See Also: RasterHistogram, ZonalStatistics
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RasterSummaryStats -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=DEM.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to one divided by the grid cell
values in the input raster image (--input
). NoData values in the input image will be assigned NoData
values in the output image.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Reciprocal -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
Performs a min-max contrast stretch on an input greytone image.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--out_min_val | New minimum value in output image |
--out_max_val | New maximum value in output image |
--clip_min | Optional lower tail clip value |
--clip_max | Optional upper tail clip value |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RescaleValueRange -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=input.tif -o=output.tif ^
--out_min_val=0.0 --out_max_val=1.0
>>./whitebox_tools ^
-r=RescaleValueRange -v --wd="/path/to/data/" -i=input.tif ^
-o=output.tif --out_min_val=0.0 --out_max_val=1.0 ^
--clip_min=45.0 --clip_max=200.0
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: September 10, 2017
Last Modified: 30/01/2020
This tool calculates the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) or root-mean-square-difference (RMSD) from two input rasters. If the two input rasters possess the same number of rows and columns, the RMSE is calucated on a cell-by-cell basis, otherwise bilinear resampling is used. In addition to RMSE, the tool also reports other common accuracy statistics including the mean verical error, the 95% confidence limit (RMSE x 1.96), and the 90% linear error (LE90), which is the 90% percentile of the residuals between two raster surfaces. The LE90 is the most robust of the reported accuracy statistics when the residuals are non-Gaussian. The LE90 requires sorting the residual values, which can be a relatively slow operation for larger rasters.
See Also: PairedSampleTTest, WilcoxonSignedRankTest
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
--base | Input base raster file used for comparison |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=RootMeanSquareError -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i=DEM.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: September 18, 2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool rounds the values in an input raster (--input
) to the nearest integer value. Half-way cases
are rounded away from zero (e.g. round(0.5) = 1, round(-4.5) = -5). The output raster (--output
) will be of an I32 data type.
See Also: Ceil, Floor, Truncate
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Round -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the sine (sin) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Cos, Tan, ArcSin, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Sin -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
hyperbolic sine (sinh) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Cosh, Tanh, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Sinh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the square of the
value of the corresponding grid cell in the input raster (--input
), i.e. the input raster is raised to
the power of two. NoData values in the input image will be assigned NoData values in the output image.
See Also: SquareRoot
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Square -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
square root of the value of the corresponding grid cell in the
input raster (--input
). NoData values in the input image will be assigned NoData values in the
output image.
See Also: Square
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=SquareRoot -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 26/10/2019
This tool creates a new raster in which each grid cell is equal to the subtraction (difference) of the corresponding grid cells in two input rasters or one input raster and a constant value. If two images are input, both images must possess the same number of rows and columns and spatial extent, as the analysis will be carried out on a cell-by-cell basis. If a grid cell contains a NoData value in either of the input images, the cell will be excluded from the analysis.
See Also: Add, Divide, Multiply, InPlaceSubtract
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file or constant value |
--input2 | Input raster file or constant value |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Subtract -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 24/01/2019
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the tangent (tan) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Cos, Sin, ArcTan, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Tan -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 05/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool creates a new raster (--output
) in which each grid cell is equal to the
hyperbolic tangent (tanh) of the corresponding
grid cell in an input raster (--input
). The input raster image should contain angular data measured in radians.
You may convert a raster containing degrees to radians using the ToRadians tool. Grid cells with NoData values
in the input raster will be assigned NoData values in the output raster.
See Also: Cosh, Sinh, ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Tanh -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool converts the radians values contained within an
input raster (--input
) to degrees in the output raster (--output
One degree is approximately 0.017453293 (π / 180) radians. Conversion between degrees and radians
is common when working with trigonometric functions.
See Also: ToRadians
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ToDegrees -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool converts the degree values contained within an input raster (--input
) to
radians in the output raster (--output
One radian is just under 57.3 (180 / π) degrees. Conversion between degrees and radians
is common when working with trigonometric functions.
See Also: ToDegrees
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ToRadians -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to interpolate a trend surface from a raster image. The technique uses a polynomial, least-squares regression analysis. The user must specify the name of the input raster file. In addition, the user must specify the polynomial order (1 to 10) for the analysis. A first-order polynomial is a planar surface with no curvature. As the polynomial order is increased, greater flexibility is allowed in the fitted surface. Although polynomial orders as high as 10 are accepted, numerical instability in the analysis often creates artifacts in trend surfaces of orders greater than 5. The operation will display a text report on completion, in addition to the output raster image. The report will list each of the coefficient values and the r-square value. Note that the entire raster image must be able to fit into computer memory, limiting the use of this tool to relatively small rasters. The Trend Surface (Vector Points) tool can be used instead if the input data is vector points contained in a shapefile.
Numerical stability is enhanced by transforming the x, y, z data by their minimum values before performing the regression analysis. These transform parameters are also reported in the output report.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--order | Polynomial order (1 to 10) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=TrendSurface -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o='output.tif' --order=2
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 30/04/2018
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to interpolate a trend surface from a vector points file. The technique uses a polynomial, least-squares regression analysis. The user must specify the name of the input shapefile, which must be of a 'Points' base ShapeType and select the attribute in the shapefile's associated attribute table for which to base the trend surface analysis. The attribute must be numerical. In addition, the user must specify the polynomial order (1 to 10) for the analysis. A first-order polynomial is a planar surface with no curvature. As the polynomial order is increased, greater flexibility is allowed in the fitted surface. Although polynomial orders as high as 10 are accepted, numerical instability in the analysis often creates artifacts in trend surfaces of orders greater than 5. The operation will display a text report on completion, in addition to the output raster image. The report will list each of the coefficient values and the r-square value. The Trend Surface tool can be used instead if the input data is a raster image.
Numerical stability is enhanced by transforming the x, y, z data by their minimum values before performing the regression analysis. These transform parameters are also reported in the output report.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input vector Points file |
--field | Input field name in attribute table |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--order | Polynomial order (1 to 10) |
--cell_size | Optionally specified cell size of output raster. Not used when base raster is specified |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=TrendSurfaceVectorPoints -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i='input.shp' --field=ELEV ^
-o='output.tif' --order=2 --cell_size=10.0
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/05/2018
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool truncates the values in an input raster (--input
); truncation limits the number of digits right of the decimal point. For
example, trunc(3.2) = 3 and trunc(5.8) = 5 The output raster (--output
) will be of an I32 data type.
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--num_decimals | Number of decimals left after truncation (default is zero) |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Truncate -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i='input.tif' -o=output.tif --num_decimals=2
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 06/07/2017
Last Modified: 30/01/2020
This tool can be used to create a random field using the turning bands algorithm. The user must specify
the name of a base raster image (--base
) from which the output raster will derive its geographical
information, dimensions (rows and columns), and other information. In addition, the range (--range
), in
x-y units, must be specified. The range determines the correlation length of the resulting field. For a
good description of how the algorithm works, see Carr (2002). The turning bands method creates a number
of 1-D simulations (called bands) and fuses these together to create a 2-D error field. There is no
natural stopping condition in this process, so the user must specify the number of bands to create
). The default value of 1000 iterations is reasonable. The fewer iterations used, the
more prevalent the 1-D simulations will be in the output error image, effectively creating artifacts.
Run time increases with the number of iterations.
Turning bands simulation is a commonly applied technique in Monte Carlo style simulations of uncertainty. As such, it is frequently run many times during a simulation (often 1000s of times). When this is the case, algorithm performance and efficiency are key considerations. One alternative method to efficiently generate spatially autocorrelated random fields is to apply the FastAlmostGaussianFilter tool to the output of the RandomField tool. This can be used to generate a random field with the desired spatial characteristics and frequency distribution. This is the alternative approach used by the StochasticDepressionAnalysis tool.
Carr, J. R. (2002). Data visualization in the geosciences. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. pp. 267.
See Also: RandomField, FastAlmostGaussianFilter, StochasticDepressionAnalysis
Flag | Description |
-i, --base | Input base raster file |
-o, --output | Output file |
--range | The field's range, in xy-units, related to the extent of spatial autocorrelation |
--iterations | The number of iterations |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=TurningBandsSimulation -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --base=in.tif -o=out.tif --range=850.0 ^
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 14/07/2017
Last Modified: 30/01/2020
This tool will perform a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test to evaluate whether a significant statistical difference exists between the frequency distributions of two rasters. The null hypothesis is that both samples come from a population with the same distribution. Note that this test evaluates the two input rasters for differences in their overall distribution shape, with no assumption of normality. If there is need to compare the per-pixel differences between two input rasters, a paired-samples test such as the PairedSampleTTest or the non-parametric WilcoxonSignedRankTest should be used instead.
The user must
specify the name of the two input raster images (--input1
and --input2
) and the output report
HTML file (--output
). The test can be performed optionally on the entire image or on a random
sub-sample of pixel values of a user-specified size (--num_samples
). In evaluating the significance
of the test, it is important to keep in mind that given a sufficiently large sample, extremely small and
non-notable differences can be found to be statistically significant. Furthermore
statistical significance says nothing about the practical significance of a difference.
See Also:
, PairedSampleTTest, WilcoxonSignedRankTest
Flag | Description |
--input1 | First input raster file |
--input2 | Second input raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
--num_samples | Number of samples. Leave blank to use whole image |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=TwoSampleKsTest -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1=input1.tif -input2=input2.tif ^
-o=output.html --num_samples=1000
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 21/10/2019
Last Modified: 24/10/2019
This tool will perform a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to evaluate whether a significant statistical difference exists between the two rasters. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is often used as a non-parametric equivalent to the paired-samples Student's t-test, and is used when the distribution of sample difference values between the paired inputs is non-Gaussian. The null hypothesis of this test is that difference between the sample pairs follow a symmetric distribution around zero. i.e. that the median difference between pairs of observations is zero.
The user must specify the name of the two input raster images (--input1
and --input2
) and the output report
HTML file (--output
). The test can be performed optionally on the entire image or on a random
sub-sample of pixel values of a user-specified size (--num_samples
). In evaluating the significance
of the test, it is important to keep in mind that given a sufficiently large sample, extremely small and
non-notable differences can be found to be statistically significant. Furthermore
statistical significance says nothing about the practical significance of a difference. Note that cells
with a difference of zero are excluded from the ranking and tied difference values are assigned their average
rank values.
See Also: PairedSampleTTest, TwoSampleKsTest
Flag | Description |
--input1 | First input raster file |
--input2 | Second input raster file |
-o, --output | Output HTML file |
--num_samples | Number of samples. Leave blank to use whole image |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=WilcoxonSignedRankTest -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" --input1=input1.tif -input2=input2.tif ^
-o=output.html --num_samples=1000
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 25/10/2019
Last Modified: 25/10/2019
This tool is a Boolean XOR operator, i.e. it works on True or False (1 and 0) values. Grid cells for which
either the first or second input rasters (--input1
; --input2
) have a True value but not both are assigned
1 in the output raster, otherwise grid cells are assigned a value of 0. All non-zero values in the input
rasters are considered to be True, while all zero-valued grid cells are considered to be False. Grid
cells containing NoData values in either of the input rasters will be assigned a NoData value in
the output raster (--output
). Notice that the Not operator is asymmetrical, and the order of inputs matters.
Flag | Description |
--input1 | Input raster file |
--input2 | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=Xor -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
--input1='in1.tif' --input2='in2.tif' -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 02/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool will transform the values in an input raster image (--input
) into
z-scores. Z-scores are also called standard scores,
normal scores, or z-values. A z-score is a dimensionless quantity that is calculated by subtracting
the mean from an individual raw value and then dividing the difference by the standard deviation.
This conversion process is called standardizing or normalizing and the result is sometimes referred
to as a standardized variable. The mean and standard deviation are estimated using all values in the
input image except for NoData values. The input image should not have a Boolean or categorical data
scale, i.e. it should be on a continuous scale.
See Also: CumulativeDistribution
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ZScores -v --wd="/path/to/data/" ^
-i=DEM.tif -o=output.tif
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: 01/07/2017
Last Modified: 13/10/2018
This tool can be used to extract common descriptive statistics associated with the distribution of some underlying data raster based on feature units defined by a feature definition raster. For example, this tool can be used to measure the maximum or average slope gradient (data image) for each of a group of watersheds (feature definitions). Although the data raster can contain any type of data, the feature definition raster must be categorical, i.e. it must define area entities using integer values.
The --stat
parameter can take the values, 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'range',
'standard deviation', or 'total'.
If an output image name is specified, the tool will assign the descriptive statistic value to each of the spatial entities defined in the feature definition raster. If text output is selected, an HTML table will be output, which can then be readily copied into a spreadsheet program for further analysis. This is a very powerful and useful tool for creating numerical summary data from spatial data which can then be interrogated using statistical analyses. At least one output type (image or text) must be specified for the tool to operate.
NoData values in either of the two input images are ignored during the calculation of the descriptive statistic.
See Also: RasterSummaryStats
Flag | Description |
-i, --input | Input data raster file |
--features | Input feature definition raster file |
-o, --output | Output raster file |
--stat | Statistic to extract, including 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'range', 'standard deviation', and 'total' |
--out_table | Output HTML Table file |
--zero_is_background | Treat zero-valued cells as background? |
Python function:
Command-line Interface:
>>./whitebox_tools -r=ZonalStatistics -v ^
--wd="/path/to/data/" -i='input.tif' --features='groups.tif' ^
-o='output.tif' --stat='minimum'
>>./whitebox_tools ^
-r=ZonalStatistics -v --wd="/path/to/data/" -i='input.tif' ^
--features='groups.tif' --out_table='output.html'
Author: Dr. John Lindsay
Created: Dec. 15, 2017
Last Modified: 17/07/2019