Index of Tools
AbsoluteValue: Calculates the absolute value of every cell in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AccumulationCurvature: This tool calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
AdaptiveFilter: Performs an adaptive filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
AddPointCoordinatesToTable: Modifies the attribute table of a point vector by adding fields containing each point's X and Y coordinates. Found in Data Tools.
Add: Performs an addition operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AggregateRaster: Aggregates a raster to a lower resolution. Found in GIS Analysis.
And: Performs a logical AND operator on two Boolean raster images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Anova: Performs an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test on a raster dataset. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ArcCos: Returns the inverse cosine (arccos) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ArcSin: Returns the inverse sine (arcsin) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ArcTan: Returns the inverse tangent (arctan) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Arcosh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arcosh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Arsinh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine (arsinh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Artanh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent (arctanh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AsciiToLas: Converts one or more ASCII files containing LiDAR points into LAS files. Found in LiDAR Tools.
Aspect: Calculates an aspect raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
AssessRoute: This tool assesses a route for slope, elevation, and visibility variation. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Atan2: Returns the 2-argument inverse tangent (atan2). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AttributeCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis: Performs a correlation on two input vector attributes within a neighbourhood search windows. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AttributeCorrelation: Performs a correlation analysis on attribute fields from a vector database. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AttributeHistogram: Creates a histogram for the field values of a vector's attribute table. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AttributeScattergram: Creates a scattergram for two field values of a vector's attribute table. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
AverageFlowpathSlope: Measures the average slope gradient from each grid cell to all upslope divide cells. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
AverageHorizonDistance: This tool calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
AverageNormalVectorAngularDeviation: Calculates the circular variance of aspect at a scale for a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
AverageOverlay: Calculates the average for each grid cell from a group of raster images. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
AverageUpslopeFlowpathLength: Measures the average length of all upslope flowpaths draining each grid cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
BalanceContrastEnhancement: Performs a balance contrast enhancement on a colour-composite image of multispectral data. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
Basins: Identifies drainage basins that drain to the DEM edge. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
BilateralFilter: A bilateral filter is an edge-preserving smoothing filter introduced by Tomasi and Manduchi (1998). Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
BlockMaximumGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block maximum scheme. Found in GIS Analysis.
BlockMinimumGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using a block minimum scheme. Found in GIS Analysis.
BoundaryShapeComplexity: Calculates the complexity of the boundaries of raster polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
BreachDepressionsLeastCost: Breaches the depressions in a DEM using a least-cost pathway method. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
BreachDepressions: Breaches all of the depressions in a DEM using Lindsay's (2016) algorithm. This should be preferred over depression filling in most cases. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
BreachSingleCellPits: Removes single-cell pits from an input DEM by breaching. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
BreaklineMapping: This tool maps breaklines from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
BufferRaster: Maps a distance-based buffer around each non-background (non-zero/non-nodata) grid cell in an input image. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
BurnStreamsAtRoads: Burns-in streams at the sites of road embankments. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
CannyEdgeDetection: This tool performs a Canny edge-detection filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Ceil: Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is greater than or equal to the values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
CentroidVector: Identifies the centroid point of a vector polyline or polygon feature or a group of vector points. Found in GIS Analysis.
Centroid: Calculates the centroid, or average location, of raster polygon objects. Found in GIS Analysis.
ChangeVectorAnalysis: Performs a change vector analysis on a two-date multi-spectral dataset. Found in Image Processing Tools.
CircularVarianceOfAspect: Calculates the circular variance of aspect at a scale for a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ClassifyBuildingsInLidar: Reclassifies a LiDAR points that lie within vector building footprints. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ClassifyLidar: Classify points within a LiDAR point cloud based on point properties. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ClassifyOverlapPoints: Classifies or filters LAS points in regions of overlapping flight lines. Found in LiDAR Tools.
CleanVector: Removes null features and lines/polygons with fewer than the required number of vertices. Found in Data Tools.
ClipLidarToPolygon: Clips a LiDAR point cloud to a vector polygon or polygons. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ClipRasterToPolygon: Clips a raster to a vector polygon. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Clip: Extract all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the clip vector. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Closing: A closing is a mathematical morphology operation involving an erosion (min filter) of a dilation (max filter) set. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Clump: Groups cells that form discrete areas, assigning them unique identifiers. Found in GIS Analysis.
ColourizeBasedOnClass: Sets the RGB values of a LiDAR point cloud based on the point classification values. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ColourizeBasedOnPointReturns: Sets the RGB values of a LiDAR point cloud based on the point returns. Found in LiDAR Tools.
CompactnessRatio: Calculates the compactness ratio (A/P), a measure of shape complexity, for vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
ConditionalEvaluation: Performs a conditional evaluation (if-then-else) operation on a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ConditionedLatinHypercube: Implements conditioned Latin Hypercube sampling. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ConservativeSmoothingFilter: Performs a conservative-smoothing filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
ConstructVectorTin: Creates a vector triangular irregular network (TIN) for a set of vector points. Found in GIS Analysis.
ContoursFromPoints: Creates a contour coverage from a set of input points. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ContoursFromRaster: Derives a vector contour coverage from a raster surface. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ConvertNodataToZero: Converts nodata values in a raster to zero. Found in Data Tools.
ConvertRasterFormat: Converts raster data from one format to another. Found in Data Tools.
CornerDetection: Identifies corner patterns in boolean images using hit-and-miss pattern matching. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
CorrectStreamVectorDirection: This tool resolves directional errors in digitized vector streams. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
CorrectVignetting: Corrects the darkening of images towards corners. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
Cos: Returns the cosine (cos) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine (cosh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
CostAllocation: Identifies the source cell to which each grid cell is connected by a least-cost pathway in a cost-distance analysis. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
CostDistance: Performs cost-distance accumulation on a cost surface and a group of source cells. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
CostPathway: Performs cost-distance pathway analysis using a series of destination grid cells. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
CountIf: Counts the number of occurrences of a specified value in a cell-stack of rasters. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
CreateColourComposite: Creates a colour-composite image from three bands of multispectral imagery. Found in Image Processing Tools.
CreateHexagonalVectorGrid: Creates a hexagonal vector grid. Found in GIS Analysis.
CreatePlane: Creates a raster image based on the equation for a simple plane. Found in GIS Analysis.
CreateRectangularVectorGrid: Creates a rectangular vector grid. Found in GIS Analysis.
CrispnessIndex: Calculates the Crispness Index, which is used to quantify how crisp (or conversely how fuzzy) a probability image is. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
CrossTabulation: Performs a cross-tabulation on two categorical images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
CsvPointsToVector: Converts a CSV text file to vector points. Found in Data Tools.
CumulativeDistribution: Converts a raster image to its cumulative distribution function. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Curvedness: This tool calculates curvedness from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
D8FlowAccumulation: Calculates a D8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM or flow pointer. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
D8MassFlux: Performs a D8 mass flux calculation. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
D8Pointer: Calculates a D8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DInfFlowAccumulation: Calculates a D-infinity flow accumulation raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DInfMassFlux: Performs a D-infinity mass flux calculation. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DInfPointer: Calculates a D-infinity flow pointer (flow direction) raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Dbscan: Performs a DBSCAN-based unsupervised clustering operation. Found in Machine Learning.
Decrement: Decreases the values of each grid cell in an input raster by 1.0 (see also InPlaceSubtract). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
DemVoidFilling: This tool can be used to fill the void areas of a DEM using another fill DEM data set. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
DepthInSink: Measures the depth of sinks (depressions) in a DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DepthToWater: This tool calculates cartographic depth-to-water (DTW) index. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DevFromMeanElev: Calculates deviation from mean elevation. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
DeviationFromRegionalDirection: Calculates the deviation of vector polygons from the regional average direction. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
DiffFromMeanElev: Calculates difference from mean elevation (equivalent to a high-pass filter). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
DiffOfGaussianFilter: Performs a Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
DifferenceCurvature: This tool calculates difference curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Difference: Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
DirectDecorrelationStretch: Performs a direct decorrelation stretch enhancement on a colour-composite image of multispectral data. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
DirectionalRelief: Calculates relief for cells in an input DEM for a specified direction. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Dissolve: Removes the interior, or shared, boundaries within a vector polygon coverage. Found in GIS Analysis.
DistanceToOutlet: Calculates the distance of stream grid cells to the channel network outlet cell. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
DiversityFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the number of different values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Divide: Performs a division operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
DownslopeDistanceToStream: Measures distance to the nearest downslope stream cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DownslopeFlowpathLength: Calculates the downslope flowpath length from each cell to basin outlet. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
DownslopeIndex: Calculates the Hjerdt et al. (2004) downslope index. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
EdgeContamination: Identifies grid cells within an input DEM that may be impacted by edge contamination for hydrological applications. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
EdgeDensity: Calculates the density of edges, or breaks-in-slope within DEMs. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
EdgePreservingMeanFilter: Performs a simple edge-preserving mean filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
EdgeProportion: Calculate the proportion of cells in a raster polygon that are edge cells. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
ElevAbovePit: Calculate the elevation of each grid cell above the nearest downstream pit cell or grid edge cell. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ElevPercentile: Calculates the elevation percentile raster from a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ElevRelativeToMinMax: Calculates the elevation of a location relative to the minimum and maximum elevations in a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ElevRelativeToWatershedMinMax: Calculates the elevation of a location relative to the minimum and maximum elevations in a watershed. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ElevationAboveStreamEuclidean: Calculates the elevation of cells above the nearest (Euclidean distance) stream cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
ElevationAboveStream: Calculates the elevation of cells above the nearest downslope stream cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
EliminateCoincidentPoints: Removes any coincident, or nearly coincident, points from a vector points file. Found in GIS Analysis.
ElongationRatio: Calculates the elongation ratio for vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
EmbankmentMapping: Maps and/or removes road embankments from an input fine-resolution DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
EmbossFilter: Performs an emboss filter on an image, similar to a hillshade operation. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
EqualTo: Performs a equal-to comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ErasePolygonFromLidar: Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon or polygons from a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ErasePolygonFromRaster: Erases (cuts out) a vector polygon from a raster. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Erase: Removes all the features, or parts of features, that overlap with the features of the erase vector polygon. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
EuclideanAllocation: Assigns grid cells in the output raster the value of the nearest target cell in the input image, measured by the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
EuclideanDistance: Calculates the Shih and Wu (2004) Euclidean distance transform. Found in GIS Analysis → Distance Tools.
EvaluateTrainingSites: This tool can be used to inspect the overlap in spectral signatures of training sites for various classes. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
Exp2: Returns the exponential (base 2) of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Exp: Returns the exponential (base e) of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ExportTableToCsv: Exports an attribute table to a CSV text file. Found in Data Tools.
ExposureTowardsWindFlux: Evaluates hydrologic connectivity within a DEM Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ExtendVectorLines: Extends vector lines by a specified distance. Found in GIS Analysis.
ExtractByAttribute: Extracts features from an input vector into an output file based on attribute properties. Found in GIS Analysis.
ExtractNodes: Converts vector lines or polygons into vertex points. Found in GIS Analysis.
ExtractRasterValuesAtPoints: Extracts the values of raster(s) at vector point locations. Found in GIS Analysis.
ExtractStreams: Extracts stream grid cells from a flow accumulation raster. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
ExtractValleys: Identifies potential valley bottom grid cells based on local topolography alone. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
FarthestChannelHead: Calculates the distance to the furthest upstream channel head for each stream cell. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
FastAlmostGaussianFilter: Performs a fast approximate Gaussian filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Fd8FlowAccumulation: Calculates an FD8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Fd8Pointer: Calculates an FD8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FeaturePreservingSmoothing: Reduces short-scale variation in an input DEM using a modified Sun et al. (2007) algorithm. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
FetchAnalysis: Performs an analysis of fetch or upwind distance to an obstacle. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
FillBurn: Burns streams into a DEM using the FillBurn (Saunders, 1999) method. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FillDepressionsPlanchonAndDarboux: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM using the Planchon and Darboux (2002) method. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FillDepressionsWangAndLiu: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM using the Wang and Liu (2006) method. Depression breaching should be preferred in most cases. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FillDepressions: Fills all of the depressions in a DEM. Depression breaching should be preferred in most cases. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FillMissingData: Fills NoData holes in a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
FillSingleCellPits: Raises pit cells to the elevation of their lowest neighbour. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FilterLidarClasses: Removes points in a LAS file with certain specified class values. Found in LiDAR Tools.
FilterLidarScanAngles: Removes points in a LAS file with scan angles greater than a threshold. Found in LiDAR Tools.
FilterLidar: Filters points within a LiDAR point cloud based on point properties. Found in LiDAR Tools.
FilterRasterFeaturesByArea: Removes small-area features from a raster. Found in GIS Analysis.
FindFlightlineEdgePoints: Identifies points along a flightline's edge in a LAS file. Found in LiDAR Tools.
FindLowestOrHighestPoints: Locates the lowest and/or highest valued cells in a raster. Found in GIS Analysis.
FindMainStem: Finds the main stem, based on stream lengths, of each stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
FindNoFlowCells: Finds grid cells with no downslope neighbours. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FindParallelFlow: Finds areas of parallel flow in D8 flow direction rasters. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FindPatchOrClassEdgeCells: Finds all cells located on the edge of patch or class features. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
FindRidges: Identifies potential ridge and peak grid cells. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
FixDanglingArcs: This tool fixes undershot and overshot arcs, two common topological errors, in an input vector lines file. Found in Data Tools.
FlattenLakes: Flattens lake polygons in a raster DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FlightlineOverlap: Reads a LiDAR (LAS) point file and outputs a raster containing the number of overlapping flight-lines in each grid cell. Found in LiDAR Tools.
FlipImage: Reflects an image in the vertical or horizontal axis. Found in Image Processing Tools.
FloodOrder: Assigns each DEM grid cell its order in the sequence of inundations that are encountered during a search starting from the edges, moving inward at increasing elevations. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Floor: Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is less than or equal to the values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
FlowAccumulationFullWorkflow: Resolves all of the depressions in a DEM, outputting a breached DEM, an aspect-aligned non-divergent flow pointer, and a flow accumulation raster. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
FlowLengthDiff: Calculates the local maximum absolute difference in downslope flowpath length, useful in mapping drainage divides and ridges. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
GammaCorrection: Performs a gamma correction on an input images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
GaussianContrastStretch: Performs a Gaussian contrast stretch on input images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
GaussianCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
GaussianFilter: Performs a Gaussian filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
GaussianScaleSpace: Uses the fast Gaussian approximation algorithm to produce scaled land-surface parameter measurements from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
GeneralizeClassifiedRaster: Generalizes a raster containing class or object features by removing small features. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
GeneralizeWithSimilarity: Generalizes a raster containing class or object features by removing small features using similarity criteria of neighbouring features. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
GeneratingFunction: This tool calculates generating function from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Geomorphons: Computes geomorphon patterns. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
GreaterThan: Performs a greater-than comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
HackStreamOrder: Assigns the Hack stream order to each tributary in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
HeatMap: Calculates a heat map, or kernel density estimation (KDE), for an input point set. Found in GIS Analysis.
HeightAboveGround: Normalizes a LiDAR point cloud, providing the height above the nearest ground-classified point. Found in LiDAR Tools.
HighPassBilateralFilter: Performs a high-pass bilateral filter, by differencing an input image by the bilateral filter by Tomasi and Manduchi (1998). Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
HighPassFilter: Performs a high-pass filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
HighPassMedianFilter: Performs a high pass median filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
HighestPosition: Identifies the stack position of the maximum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Hillshade: Calculates a hillshade raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Hillslopes: Identifies the individual hillslopes draining to each link in a stream network. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
HistogramEqualization: Performs a histogram equalization contrast enhancement on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
HistogramMatchingTwoImages: Alters the cumulative distribution function of a raster image to that of another image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
HistogramMatching: Alters the statistical distribution of a raster image matching it to a specified PDF. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
HoleProportion: Calculates the proportion of the total area of a polygon's holes relative to the area of the polygon's hull. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
HorizonAngle: Calculates horizon angle (maximum upwind slope) for each grid cell in an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
HorizonArea: This tool calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
HorizontalExcessCurvature: This tool calculates horizontal excess curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
HortonStreamOrder: Assigns the Horton stream order to each tributary in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
HydrologicConnectivity: This tool evaluates hydrologic connectivity within a DEM Found in Hydrological Analysis.
HypsometricAnalysis: Calculates a hypsometric curve for one or more DEMs. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
HypsometricallyTintedHillshade: Creates an colour shaded relief image from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
IdwInterpolation: Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using an inverse-distance weighted scheme. Found in GIS Analysis.
IhsToRgb: Converts intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS) images into red, green, and blue (RGB) images. Found in Image Processing Tools.
ImageAutocorrelation: Performs Moran's I analysis on two or more input images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ImageCorrelationNeighbourhoodAnalysis: Performs image correlation on two input images neighbourhood search windows. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ImageCorrelation: Performs image correlation on two or more input images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ImageRegression: Performs image regression analysis on two input images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ImageSegmentation: Performs a region-growing based segmentation on a set of multi-spectral images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
ImageSlider: This tool creates an image slider from two input images. Found in Image Processing Tools.
ImageStackProfile: Plots an image stack profile (i.e. signature) for a set of points and multispectral images. Found in Image Processing Tools.
ImpoundmentSizeIndex: Calculates the impoundment size resulting from damming a DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
InPlaceAdd: Performs an in-place addition operation (input1 += input2). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
InPlaceDivide: Performs an in-place division operation (input1 /= input2). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
InPlaceMultiply: Performs an in-place multiplication operation (input1 *= input2). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
InPlaceSubtract: Performs an in-place subtraction operation (input1 -= input2). Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Increment: Increases the values of each grid cell in an input raster by 1.0. (see also InPlaceAdd) Found in Math and Stats Tools.
IndividualTreeDetection: Identifies points in a LiDAR point cloud that are associated with the tops of individual trees. Found in LiDAR Tools.
InsertDams: Calculates the impoundment size resulting from damming a DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
InstallWbExtension: Use to install a Whitebox extension product. Found in Whitebox Utilities.
IntegerDivision: Performs an integer division operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
IntegralImage: Transforms an input image (summed area table) into its integral image equivalent. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Intersect: Identifies the parts of features in common between two input vector layers. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
InversePrincipalComponentAnalysis: This tool performs an inverse principal component analysis on a series of input component images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
IsNoData: Identifies NoData valued pixels in an image. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Isobasins: Divides a landscape into nearly equal sized drainage basins (i.e. watersheds). Found in Hydrological Analysis.
JensonSnapPourPoints: Moves outlet points used to specify points of interest in a watershedding operation to the nearest stream cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
JoinTables: Merge a vector's attribute table with another table based on a common field. Found in Data Tools.
KMeansClustering: Performs a k-means clustering operation on a multi-spectral dataset. Found in Machine Learning.
KNearestMeanFilter: A k-nearest mean filter is a type of edge-preserving smoothing filter. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
KappaIndex: Performs a kappa index of agreement (KIA) analysis on two categorical raster files. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
KnnClassification: Performs a supervised k-nearest neighbour classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
KnnRegression: Performs a supervised k-nearest neighbour regression using training site points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
KsTestForNormality: Evaluates whether the values in a raster are normally distributed. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
LaplacianFilter: Performs a Laplacian filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
LaplacianOfGaussianFilter: Performs a Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
LasToAscii: Converts one or more LAS files into ASCII text files. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LasToLaz: This tool converts one or more LAS files into the LAZ format Found in LiDAR Tools.
LasToMultipointShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into MultipointZ vector Shapefiles. When the input parameter is not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LasToShapefile: Converts one or more LAS files into a vector Shapefile of POINT ShapeType. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LasToZlidar: Converts one or more LAS files into the zlidar compressed LiDAR data format. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LaunchWbRunner: Opens the Whitebox Runner application. Found in Whitebox Utilities.
LayerFootprint: Creates a vector polygon footprint of the area covered by a raster grid or vector layer. Found in GIS Analysis.
LazToLas: This tool converts one or more LAZ files into the LAS format Found in LiDAR Tools.
LeeSigmaFilter: Performs a Lee (Sigma) smoothing filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
LengthOfUpstreamChannels: Calculates the total length of channels upstream. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
LessThan: Performs a less-than comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
LidarBlockMaximum: Creates a block-maximum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarBlockMinimum: Creates a block-minimum raster from an input LAS file. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarClassifySubset: Classifies the values in one LiDAR point cloud that correspond with points in a subset cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarColourize: Adds the red-green-blue colour fields of a LiDAR (LAS) file based on an input image. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarContour: This tool creates a vector contour coverage from an input LiDAR point file. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarDigitalSurfaceModel: Creates a top-surface digital surface model (DSM) from a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarEigenvalueFeatures: Calculate eigenvalue-based metrics from a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarElevationSlice: Outputs all of the points within a LiDAR (LAS) point file that lie between a specified elevation range. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarGroundPointFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR dataset using a slope-based method. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarHexBinning: Hex-bins a set of LiDAR points. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarHillshade: Calculates a hillshade value for points within a LAS file and stores these data in the RGB field. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarHistogram: Creates a histogram of LiDAR data. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarIdwInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using an inverse-distance weighted (IDW) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarInfo: Prints information about a LiDAR (LAS) dataset, including header, point return frequency, and classification data and information about the variable length records (VLRs) and geokeys. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarJoin: Joins multiple LiDAR (LAS) files into a single LAS file. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarKappaIndex: Performs a kappa index of agreement (KIA) analysis on the classifications of two LAS files. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarNearestNeighbourGridding: Grids LiDAR files using nearest-neighbour scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarPointDensity: Calculates the spatial pattern of point density for a LiDAR data set. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool grids all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarPointReturnAnalysis: This tool performs a quality control check on the return values of points in a LiDAR file. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarPointStats: Creates several rasters summarizing the distribution of LAS point data. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works on all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarRansacPlanes: Performs a RANSAC analysis to identify points within a LiDAR point cloud that belong to linear planes. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarRbfInterpolation: Interpolates LAS files using a radial basis function (RBF) scheme. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool interpolates all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarRemoveDuplicates: Removes duplicate points from a LiDAR data set. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarRemoveOutliers: Removes outliers (high and low points) in a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarRooftopAnalysis: Identifies roof segments in a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarSegmentationBasedFilter: Identifies ground points within LiDAR point clouds using a segmentation based approach. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarSegmentation: Segments a LiDAR point cloud based on differences in the orientation of fitted planar surfaces and point proximity. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarShift: Shifts the x,y,z coordinates of a LiDAR file. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarSibsonInterpolation: This tool interpolates one or more LiDAR tiles using Sibson's natural neighbour method. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarThinHighDensity: Thins points from high density areas within a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarThin: Thins a LiDAR point cloud, reducing point density. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarTileFootprint: Creates a vector polygon of the convex hull of a LiDAR point cloud. When the input/output parameters are not specified, the tool works with all LAS files contained within the working directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarTile: Tiles a LiDAR LAS file into multiple LAS files. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarTinGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a Delaunay triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to LiDAR points. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LidarTophatTransform: Performs a white top-hat transform on a Lidar dataset; as an estimate of height above ground, this is useful for modelling the vegetation canopy. Found in LiDAR Tools.
LineDetectionFilter: Performs a line-detection filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
LineIntersections: Identifies points where the features of two vector line layers intersect. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
LineThinning: Performs line thinning a on Boolean raster image; intended to be used with the RemoveSpurs tool. Found in Image Processing Tools.
LinearityIndex: Calculates the linearity index for vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
LinesToPolygons: Converts vector polylines to polygons. Found in Data Tools.
ListUniqueValuesRaster: Lists the unique values contained in a field within a vector's attribute table. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ListUniqueValues: Lists the unique values contained in a field within a vector's attribute table. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Ln: Returns the natural logarithm of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
LocalHypsometricAnalysis: This tool calculates a local, neighbourhood-based hypsometric integral raster. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
LocalQuadraticRegression: An implementation of the constrained quadratic regression algorithm using a flexible window size described in Wood (1996). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Log10: Returns the base-10 logarithm of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Log2: Returns the base-2 logarithm of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
LogisticRegression: Performs a logistic regression analysis using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
LongProfileFromPoints: Plots the longitudinal profiles from flow-paths initiating from a set of vector points. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
LongProfile: Plots the stream longitudinal profiles for one or more rivers. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
LongestFlowpath: Delineates the longest flowpaths for a group of subbasins or watersheds. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
LowPointsOnHeadwaterDivides: This tool locates saddle points along ridges within a digital elevation model (DEM) Found in Hydrological Analysis.
LowestPosition: Identifies the stack position of the minimum value within a raster stack on a cell-by-cell basis. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
MajorityFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the most frequently occurring value (mode) in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
MapOffTerrainObjects: Maps off-terrain objects in a digital elevation model (DEM). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxAbsoluteOverlay: Evaluates the maximum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
MaxAnisotropyDevSignature: Calculates the anisotropy in deviation from mean for points over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxAnisotropyDev: Calculates the maximum anisotropy (directionality) in elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxBranchLength: Lindsay and Seibert's (2013) branch length index is used to map drainage divides or ridge lines. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxDifferenceFromMean: Calculates the maximum difference from mean elevation over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxDownslopeElevChange: Calculates the maximum downslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxElevDevSignature: Calculates the maximum elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales and for a set of points. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxElevationDeviation: Calculates the maximum elevation deviation over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxOverlay: Evaluates the maximum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
MaxUpslopeElevChange: Calculates the maximum upslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaxUpslopeFlowpathLength: Measures the maximum length of all upslope flowpaths draining each grid cell. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
MaxUpslopeValue: Calculates the maximum upslope value from an input values raster along flowpaths. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Max: Performs a MAX operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
MaximalCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MaximumFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the maximum value in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
MdInfFlowAccumulation: Calculates an FD8 flow accumulation raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
MeanCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MeanFilter: Performs a mean filter (low-pass filter) on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
MedianFilter: Performs a median filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Medoid: Calculates the medoid for a series of vector features contained in a shapefile. Found in GIS Analysis.
MergeLineSegments: Merges vector line segments into larger features. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
MergeTableWithCsv: Merge a vector's attribute table with a table contained within a CSV text file. Found in Data Tools.
MergeVectors: Combines two or more input vectors of the same ShapeType creating a single, new output vector. Found in Data Tools.
MinAbsoluteOverlay: Evaluates the minimum absolute value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
MinDistClassification: Performs a supervised minimum-distance classification using training site polygons and multi-spectral images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
MinDownslopeElevChange: Calculates the minimum downslope change in elevation between a grid cell and its eight downslope neighbors. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MinMaxContrastStretch: Performs a min-max contrast stretch on an input greytone image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
MinOverlay: Evaluates the minimum value for each grid cell from a stack of input rasters. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Min: Performs a MIN operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
MinimalCurvature: Calculates a mean curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MinimumBoundingBox: Creates a vector minimum bounding rectangle around vector features. Found in GIS Analysis.
MinimumBoundingCircle: Delineates the minimum bounding circle (i.e. smallest enclosing circle) for a group of vectors. Found in GIS Analysis.
MinimumBoundingEnvelope: Creates a vector axis-aligned minimum bounding rectangle (envelope) around vector features. Found in GIS Analysis.
MinimumConvexHull: Creates a vector convex polygon around vector features. Found in GIS Analysis.
MinimumFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the minimum value in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
ModifiedKMeansClustering: Performs a modified k-means clustering operation on a multi-spectral dataset. Found in Machine Learning.
ModifyLidar: Modify points within a LiDAR point cloud based on point properties. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ModifyNoDataValue: Modifies nodata values in a raster. Found in Data Tools.
Modulo: Performs a modulo operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
MosaicWithFeathering: Mosaics two images together using a feathering technique in overlapping areas to reduce edge-effects. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Mosaic: Mosaics two or more images together. Found in Image Processing Tools.
MultiPartToSinglePart: Converts a vector file containing multi-part features into a vector containing only single-part features. Found in Data Tools.
MultidirectionalHillshade: Calculates a multi-direction hillshade raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiplyOverlay: Calculates the sum for each grid cell from a group of raster images. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Multiply: Performs a multiplication operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
MultiscaleCurvatures: This tool calculates several multiscale curvatures and curvature-based indices from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleElevationPercentile: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleRoughnessSignature: Calculates the surface roughness for points over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleRoughness: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleStdDevNormalsSignature: Calculates the surface roughness for points over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleStdDevNormals: Calculates surface roughness over a range of spatial scales. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
MultiscaleTopographicPositionImage: Creates a multiscale topographic position image from three DEVmax rasters of differing spatial scale ranges. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
NarrownessIndex: Calculates the narrowness of raster polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
NaturalNeighbourInterpolation: Creates a raster grid based on Sibson's natural neighbour method. Found in GIS Analysis.
NearestNeighbourGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a set of vector points and assigns grid values using the nearest neighbour. Found in GIS Analysis.
Negate: Changes the sign of values in a raster or the 0-1 values of a Boolean raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
NewRasterFromBase: Creates a new raster using a base image. Found in Data Tools.
NormalVectors: Calculates normal vectors for points within a LAS file and stores these data (XYZ vector components) in the RGB field. Found in LiDAR Tools.
NormalizeLidar: Normalizes a LiDAR point cloud. Found in LiDAR Tools.
NormalizedDifferenceIndex: Calculate a normalized-difference index (NDI) from two bands of multispectral image data. Found in Image Processing Tools.
NotEqualTo: Performs a not-equal-to comparison operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Not: Performs a logical NOT operator on two Boolean raster images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
NumDownslopeNeighbours: Calculates the number of downslope neighbours to each grid cell in a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
NumInflowingNeighbours: Computes the number of inflowing neighbours to each cell in an input DEM based on the D8 algorithm. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
NumUpslopeNeighbours: Calculates the number of upslope neighbours to each grid cell in a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
OlympicFilter: Performs an olympic smoothing filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Opening: An opening is a mathematical morphology operation involving a dilation (max filter) of an erosion (min filter) set. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Openness: This tool calculates the topographic openness index from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Or: Performs a logical OR operator on two Boolean raster images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
OtsuThresholding: Applies Ostu's method for optimal binary thresholding of a continuous image. Found in Image Processing Tools.
PairedSampleTTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
PanchromaticSharpening: Increases the spatial resolution of image data by combining multispectral bands with panchromatic data. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
ParallelepipedClassification: Performs a supervised parallelepiped classification using training site polygons and multi-spectral images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Classification.
PatchOrientation: Calculates the orientation of vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
PennockLandformClass: Classifies hillslope zones based on slope, profile curvature, and plan curvature. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
PercentElevRange: Calculates percent of elevation range from a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
PercentEqualTo: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values equal to an input on a cell-by-cell basis. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
PercentGreaterThan: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values greater than an input on a cell-by-cell basis. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
PercentLessThan: Calculates the percentage of a raster stack that have cell values less than an input on a cell-by-cell basis. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
PercentageContrastStretch: Performs a percentage linear contrast stretch on input images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
PercentileFilter: Performs a percentile filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
PerimeterAreaRatio: Calculates the perimeter-area ratio of vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
PhiCoefficient: This tool performs a binary classification accuracy assessment. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
PickFromList: Outputs the value from a raster stack specified by a position raster. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
PiecewiseContrastStretch: Performs a piecewise contrast stretch on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
PlanCurvature: Calculates a plan (contour) curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
PolygonArea: Calculates the area of vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis.
PolygonLongAxis: Used to map the long axis of polygon features. Found in GIS Analysis.
PolygonPerimeter: Calculates the perimeter of vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis.
PolygonShortAxis: Used to map the short axis of polygon features. Found in GIS Analysis.
Polygonize: Creates a polygon layer from two or more intersecting line features contained in one or more input vector line files. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
PolygonsToLines: Converts vector polygons to polylines. Found in Data Tools.
Power: Raises the values in grid cells of one rasters, or a constant value, by values in another raster or constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
PrewittFilter: Performs a Prewitt edge-detection filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
PrincipalComponentAnalysis: Performs a principal component analysis (PCA) on a multi-spectral dataset. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
PrintGeoTiffTags: Prints the tags within a GeoTIFF. Found in Data Tools.
ProfileCurvature: Calculates a profile curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Profile: Plots profiles from digital surface models. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
PruneVectorStreams: This tool performs common stream network analysis operations on an input vector stream file. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
QinFlowAccumulation: Calculates Qin et al. (2007) flow accumulation. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Quantiles: Transforms raster values into quantiles. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
QuinnFlowAccumulation: Calculates Quinn et al. (1995) flow accumulation. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
RadialBasisFunctionInterpolation: Interpolates vector points into a raster surface using a radial basis function scheme. Found in GIS Analysis.
RadiusOfGyration: Calculates the distance of cells from their polygon's centroid. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
RaiseWalls: Raises walls in a DEM along a line or around a polygon, e.g. a watershed. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
RandomField: Creates an image containing random values. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RandomForestClassificationFit: Performs a supervised random forest classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomForestClassificationPredict: Uses a pre-trained random forest classification model and predictor rasters to create an output raster. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomForestClassification: Performs a supervised random forest classification using training site polygons/points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomForestRegressionFit: Trains a random forest regression model using training site data and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomForestRegressionPredict: Uses a pre-trained random forest regression model and predictor rasters to create an output raster. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomForestRegression: Performs a random forest regression analysis using training site data and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
RandomSample: Creates an image containing randomly located sample grid cells with unique IDs. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RangeFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the range of values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
RasterArea: Calculates the area of polygons or classes within a raster image. Found in GIS Analysis.
RasterCalculator: Performs a complex mathematical operations on one or more input raster images on a cell-to-cell basis. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RasterCellAssignment: Assign row or column number to cells. Found in GIS Analysis.
RasterHistogram: Creates a histogram from raster values. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RasterPerimeter: Calculates the perimeters of polygons or classes within a raster image. Found in GIS Analysis.
RasterStreamsToVector: Converts a raster stream file into a vector file. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
RasterSummaryStats: Measures a rasters min, max, average, standard deviation, num. non-nodata cells, and total. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RasterToVectorLines: Converts a raster lines features into a vector of the POLYLINE shapetype Found in Data Tools.
RasterToVectorPoints: Converts a raster dataset to a vector of the POINT shapetype. Found in Data Tools.
RasterToVectorPolygons: Converts a raster dataset to a vector of the POLYGON shapetype. Found in Data Tools.
RasterizeStreams: Rasterizes vector streams based on Lindsay (2016) method. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
Reciprocal: Returns the reciprocal (i.e. 1 / z) of values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ReclassEqualInterval: Reclassifies the values in a raster image based on equal-ranges. Found in GIS Analysis.
ReclassFromFile: Reclassifies the values in a raster image using reclass ranges in a text file. Found in GIS Analysis.
Reclass: Reclassifies the values in a raster image. Found in GIS Analysis.
ReconcileMultipleHeaders: This tool adjusts the crop yield values for data sets collected with multiple headers or combines. Found in Precision Agriculture.
RecoverFlightlineInfo: Associates LiDAR points by their flightlines. Found in LiDAR Tools.
RecreatePassLines: This tool can be used to approximate the harvester pass lines from yield points. Found in Precision Agriculture.
ReinitializeAttributeTable: Reinitializes a vector's attribute table deleting all fields but the feature ID (FID). Found in Data Tools.
RelatedCircumscribingCircle: Calculates the related circumscribing circle of vector polygons. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
RelativeAspect: Calculates relative aspect (relative to a user-specified direction) from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
RelativeTopographicPosition: Calculates the relative topographic position index from a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
RemoveFieldEdgePoints: This tool can be used to remove, or flag, most of the points along the edges from a crop yield data set. Found in Precision Agriculture.
RemoveOffTerrainObjects: Removes off-terrain objects from a raster digital elevation model (DEM). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
RemovePolygonHoles: Removes holes within the features of a vector polygon file. Found in Data Tools.
RemoveRasterPolygonHoles: Removes polygon holes, or 'donut-holes', from raster polygons. Found in Data Tools.
RemoveShortStreams: Removes short first-order streams from a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
RemoveSpurs: Removes the spurs (pruning operation) from a Boolean line image; intended to be used on the output of the LineThinning tool. Found in Image Processing Tools.
RepairStreamVectorTopology: This tool resolves topological errors and inconsistencies associated with digitized vector streams. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
Resample: Resamples one or more input images into a destination image. Found in Image Processing Tools.
RescaleValueRange: Performs a min-max contrast stretch on an input greytone image. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RgbToIhs: Converts red, green, and blue (RGB) images into intensity, hue, and saturation (IHS) images. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Rho8FlowAccumulation: Calculates Fairfield and Leymarie (1991) flow accumulation. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Rho8Pointer: Calculates a stochastic Rho8 flow pointer raster from an input DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
RingCurvature: This tool calculates ring curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
RiverCenterlines: Maps river centerlines from an input water raster. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
RobertsCrossFilter: Performs a Robert's cross edge-detection filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
RootMeanSquareError: Calculates the RMSE and other accuracy statistics. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Rotor: This tool calculates rotor from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Round: Rounds the values in an input raster to the nearest integer value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
RuggednessIndex: Calculates the Riley et al.'s (1999) terrain ruggedness index from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ScharrFilter: Performs a Scharr edge-detection filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
SedimentTransportIndex: Calculates the sediment transport index. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SelectTilesByPolygon: Copies LiDAR tiles overlapping with a polygon into an output directory. Found in LiDAR Tools.
SetNodataValue: Assign the NoData value for an input image. Found in Data Tools.
ShadowAnimation: This tool creates an animated GIF of shadows based on an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ShadowImage: This tool creates a raster of shadow areas based on an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ShapeComplexityIndexRaster: Calculates the complexity of raster polygons or classes. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
ShapeComplexityIndex: Calculates overall polygon shape complexity or irregularity. Found in GIS Analysis → Patch Shape Tools.
ShapeIndex: This tool calculates the shape index from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
ShreveStreamMagnitude: Assigns the Shreve stream magnitude to each link in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
SigmoidalContrastStretch: Performs a sigmoidal contrast stretch on input images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
Sin: Returns the sine (sin) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
SinglePartToMultiPart: Converts a vector file containing multi-part features into a vector containing only single-part features. Found in Data Tools.
Sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine (sinh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Sink: Identifies the depressions in a DEM, giving each feature a unique identifier. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
SkyViewFactor: This tool calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SkylineAnalysis: This tool calculates accumulation curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SlopeVsAspectPlot: This tool creates a slope-aspect relation plot from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SlopeVsElevationPlot: Creates a slope vs. elevation plot for one or more DEMs. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Slope: Calculates a slope raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SmoothVectors: Smooths a vector coverage of either a POLYLINE or POLYGON base ShapeType. Found in GIS Analysis.
SmoothVegetationResidual: This tool can smooth the residual roughness due to vegetation cover in LiDAR DEMs. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SnapPourPoints: Moves outlet points used to specify points of interest in a watershedding operation to the cell with the highest flow accumulation in its neighbourhood. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
SobelFilter: Performs a Sobel edge-detection filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
SortLidar: Sorts LiDAR points based on their properties. Found in LiDAR Tools.
SphericalStdDevOfNormals: Calculates the spherical standard deviation of surface normals for a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SplitColourComposite: Splits an RGB colour composite image into separate multispectral images. Found in Image Processing Tools.
SplitLidar: Splits LiDAR points up into a series of new files based on their properties. Found in LiDAR Tools.
SplitVectorLines: Used to split a vector line coverage into even-lengthed segments. Found in GIS Analysis.
SplitWithLines: Splits the lines or polygons in one layer using the lines in another layer. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
SquareRoot: Returns the square root of the values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Square: Squares the values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
StandardDeviationContrastStretch: Performs a standard-deviation contrast stretch on input images. Found in Image Processing Tools → Image Enhancement.
StandardDeviationFilter: Assigns each cell in the output grid the standard deviation of values in a moving window centred on each grid cell in the input raster. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
StandardDeviationOfSlope: Calculates the standard deviation of slope from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
StochasticDepressionAnalysis: Performs a stochastic analysis of depressions within a DEM. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
StrahlerOrderBasins: Identifies Strahler-order basins from an input stream network. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
StrahlerStreamOrder: Assigns the Strahler stream order to each link in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
StreamLinkClass: Identifies the exterior/interior links and nodes in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
StreamLinkIdentifier: Assigns a unique identifier to each link in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
StreamLinkLength: Estimates the length of each link (or tributary) in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
StreamLinkSlope: Estimates the average slope of each link (or tributary) in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
StreamPowerIndex: Calculates the relative stream power index. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
StreamSlopeContinuous: Estimates the slope of each grid cell in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
Subbasins: Identifies the catchments, or sub-basin, draining to each link in a stream network. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
Subtract: Performs a differencing operation on two rasters or a raster and a constant value. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
SumOverlay: Calculates the sum for each grid cell from a group of raster images. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
SurfaceAreaRatio: Calculates a the surface area ratio of each grid cell in an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
SvmClassification: Performs an SVM binary classification using training site polygons/points and multiple input images. Found in Machine Learning.
SvmRegression: Performs a supervised SVM regression analysis using training site points and predictor rasters. Found in Machine Learning.
SymmetricalDifference: Outputs the features that occur in one of the two vector inputs but not both, i.e. no overlapping features. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
Tan: Returns the tangent (tan) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TangentialCurvature: Calculates a tangential curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) of each values in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ThickenRasterLine: Thickens single-cell wide lines within a raster image. Found in Image Processing Tools.
TimeInDaylight: Calculates the proportion of time a location is not within an area of shadow. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
TinGridding: Creates a raster grid based on a triangular irregular network (TIN) fitted to vector points. Found in GIS Analysis.
ToDegrees: Converts a raster from radians to degrees. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ToRadians: Converts a raster from degrees to radians. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TophatTransform: Performs either a white or black top-hat transform on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools.
TopoRender: This tool creates a pseudo-3D rendering from an input DEM, for the purpose of effective topographic visualization. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
TopographicHachures: Derives topographic hachures from a raster surface. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
TopographicPositionAnimation: This tool creates an animated GIF of multi-scale local topographic position (elevation deviation). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
TopologicalBreachBurn: This tool burns streams into a DEM using the topological breach-burn method of Lindsay (2016). Found in Hydrological Analysis.
TopologicalStreamOrder: Assigns each link in a stream network its topological order. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
TotalCurvature: Calculates a total curvature raster from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
TotalFilter: Performs a total filter on an input image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
TraceDownslopeFlowpaths: Traces downslope flowpaths from one or more target sites (i.e. seed points). Found in Hydrological Analysis.
TravellingSalesmanProblem: Finds approximate solutions to travelling salesman problems, the goal of which is to identify the shortest route connecting a set of locations. Found in GIS Analysis.
TrendSurfaceVectorPoints: Estimates a trend surface from vector points. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TrendSurface: Estimates the trend surface of an input raster file. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TributaryIdentifier: Assigns a unique identifier to each tributary in a stream network. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
Truncate: Truncates the values in a raster to the desired number of decimal places. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TurningBandsSimulation: Creates an image containing random values based on a turning-bands simulation. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
TwoSampleKsTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
Union: Splits vector layers at their overlaps, creating a layer containing all the portions from both input and overlay layers. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
UnnestBasins: Extract whole watersheds for a set of outlet points. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
UnsharpMasking: An image sharpening technique that enhances edges. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
Unsphericity: This tool calculates the unsphericity curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
UpdateNodataCells: Replaces the NoData values in an input raster with the corresponding values contained in a second update layer. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
UpslopeDepressionStorage: Estimates the average upslope depression storage depth. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
UserDefinedWeightsFilter: Performs a user-defined weights filter on an image. Found in Image Processing Tools → Filters.
VectorHexBinning: Hex-bins a set of vector points. Found in GIS Analysis.
VectorLinesToRaster: Converts a vector containing polylines into a raster. Found in Data Tools.
VectorPointsToRaster: Converts a vector containing points into a raster. Found in Data Tools.
VectorPolygonsToRaster: Converts a vector containing polygons into a raster. Found in Data Tools.
VectorStreamNetworkAnalysis: This tool performs common stream network analysis operations on an input vector stream file. Found in Stream Network Analysis.
VerticalExcessCurvature: This tool calculates vertical excess curvature from an input DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
Viewshed: Identifies the viewshed for a point or set of points. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
VisibilityIndex: Estimates the relative visibility of sites in a DEM. Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
VoronoiDiagram: Creates a vector Voronoi diagram for a set of vector points. Found in GIS Analysis.
Watershed: Identifies the watershed, or drainage basin, draining to a set of target cells. Found in Hydrological Analysis.
WeightedOverlay: Performs a weighted sum on multiple input rasters after converting each image to a common scale. The tool performs a multi-criteria evaluation (MCE). Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
WeightedSum: Performs a weighted-sum overlay on multiple input raster images. Found in GIS Analysis → Overlay Tools.
WetnessIndex: Calculates the topographic wetness index, Ln(A / tan(slope)). Found in Geomorphometric Analysis.
WilcoxonSignedRankTest: Performs a 2-sample K-S test for significant differences on two input rasters. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
WriteFunctionMemoryInsertion: Performs a write function memory insertion for single-band multi-date change detection. Found in Image Processing Tools.
Xor: Performs a logical XOR operator on two Boolean raster images. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
YieldFilter: Filters crop yield values of point data derived from combine harvester yield monitors. Found in Precision Agriculture.
YieldMap: This tool can be used to create a segmented-vector polygon yield map from a set of harvester points. Found in Precision Agriculture.
YieldNormalization: This tool can be used to normalize the yield points for a field. Found in Precision Agriculture.
ZScores: Standardizes the values in an input raster by converting to z-scores. Found in Math and Stats Tools.
ZlidarToLas: Converts one or more zlidar files into the LAS data format. Found in LiDAR Tools.
ZonalStatistics: Extracts descriptive statistics for a group of patches in a raster. Found in Math and Stats Tools.